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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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Doe struggling in pregnancy

I'm sorry on hear they didnt make it :cry: ..well done on taking prompt action on asking advice and getting them to the vets though.
Do you have any more buns?
im so sorry for your loss. at least you know that you did everything right and that she had treatment so wasnt in any pain, i hope that can bring some comfort at this awful time.
binky free mummy bun xxx
Yes we still have her companion to look after a buck called otter. We are keeping him company and giving him plenty to keep him occupied.

We also have another young buck called charlie.

One question I would have is what do you think the chamces of the 2 remaining rabbits becoming roomies is? And if so after how long should I give otter to grieve? A few weeks?

The had adjoinging hutches for the last year and seem quite comfortable near each other, albeit wire wire seperating them.
They are both neutered.

Thanks again.
Yes we still have her companion to look after a buck called otter. We are keeping him company and giving him plenty to keep him occupied.

We also have another young buck called charlie.

One question I would have is what do you think the chamces of the 2 remaining rabbits becoming roomies is? And if so after how long should I give otter to grieve? A few weeks?

The had adjoinging hutches for the last year and seem quite comfortable near each other, albeit wire wire seperating them.
They are both neutered.

Thanks again.

Two bucks can bond, it depends on their personalities. They will both have to have been neutered a minimum of 8 weeks ago, preferably a bit longer, so the hormones have properly died down.

It isn't as simple as putting them in together, though, as that usually ends badly. Preparation is important - with a bond between two males you don't have much room for error, as it can be trickier. What you need to do is bond them on neutral territory i.e. somewhere neither has been before and so neither can claim ownership of. There are a few different techniques for bonding, the best one to use depends on the bun. It does require a lot of reading up on first, as apart from the rules of bonding, you also need to learn the signs that the bonding is going well or not. There are lots of people very experienced on here that can help with that, though. Many people post a bonding thread whilst bonding and update it and post pics of behaviour so that they can get advice as they go along. There are some people that offer a bonding service for a donation or a fee, so if you don't feel up to doing it yourselves (it is very time-consuming and can be stressful) then you might want to look into it and see if there is anyone local.

There is no set time for waiting to bond a rabbit again after losing a partner - some rabbits get depressed and withdrawn and so need bonding again sooner but some seem happy to wait. I haven't experienced it myself, but I've read that rabbits that get some time with the body of their partner move on easier, as they understand that they are gone, not just disappeared. Unless he goes downhill and get depressed, I would give yourselves some time to come to terms with your bunny's death first, and have a go at bonding when you are prepared.

I hope both yourselves and Otter are doing okay.