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Do I need to give extra greens if rabbits are free ranging?


Young Bun
Title says it all really. The buns spend at least 4 hours a day free range in the garden - sometimes 9 or 10. They munch on grass and weeds and my plants :roll:. So I haven't been giving them much if any extra veg/herbs. Is this OK? They're such greedy little beggars and they don't eat any hay so am hoping making them eat grass because their hungry will help.

D x
They really do need to start eating hay.They won,t be much grass and weeds about in the Winter.
The Hay Experts do all different types of hay and you can get a sample pack from them to try:D
I agree with Becca, the buns really do need to be eating hay. We do sample bags of hay (link in signature) and give a donation to our local rabbit rescue for any purchase from us from people on the forum.
I've ordered selection packs from The Hay Expert - they're just not interested. I once saw Julian eat some hay - stuff from the garden centre down the road - so I buy that now, but they don't really eat it. Nibble at best. The hay rack is over their litter tray, and they use that.

I'm trying to stop worrying about it. They've made it to 7 without eating hay, the vet says they're healthy if a little overweight which I'm working on, all I can do is offer them hay every day. Can't make them eat it.

And I'm still confused about offering greens when they have so much access to grass and weeds (and my plants :roll:). I'm assuming not. It feels counterintuitive.

D x
If my buns are going out on the grass for the day then I don't offer them greens. They are good hay eaters anyway.

But Alfie my indoor bun won't touch hay at all. When he's out on the garden he won't eat grass either :? I've tried all types, cut down pellets etc.. but he's still not interested and I don't see as there's anything more I can do. I can't make him eat something he doesn't want. So I just make sure I feed him a good quality pellet and greens. My vet said kale is good if they don't touch hay but it can't be fed daily due to it's high calcium content.

If your buns are managing ok then I wouldn't worry too much.
Since being ill, Twinkle hasnt really eaten hay. She eats tons of grass and weeds and I also give her spring greens and have upped her SS pellets.. Not sure what else I can do... I have bought four different types of hay now to tempt her...

It could just be that she is eating so much grass that she doesnt eat the hay.. hoping that will change as the winter months come in.
You don't mentioned hard food (pellets or museli), do they have any? If they are filling up on that they won't be bothered with hay.
mine don't eat much (or any) hay in summer - even thought its there. They gradual switch t hay as the grass stops growing and plants die down in winter.