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Disgraceful Hutch Sizes


New Kit
Hi All,

Please help.

Wilkinson's and The Range are selling hutches which are so small - even meat rabbits get more space!

We will need lots of emails and letters to make a difference.

Can you help by sending an email?

If you take a look at the websites and see them, Im sure you will be as horrified as I was.

Please help - together we may be able to turn the tide.

Here are the Wilkinsons Details

Email customer.services@wilko.co.uk

Customer Service,
Wilkinson JK House,
PO BOX 20,
Nottinghamshire, S80 3YY

The Range Details

For all other queries relating to The Range please contact our Head Office at:
Email: customerservice@therange.co.uk
Write To Us: The Range, Tamar House, Thornbury Road, Estover, Plymouth, PL6 7PT
Phone: 01752 725572

Please also share on Facebook and Twitter, tell your friends and other RU members......lets prevent buns living a life of hell in a tiny prison.


Whiskey :bunny:
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a 3ft hutch described as large :(
i saw one outside a pet shop the other day that was probably smaller than that.. i said thats a flippin hamster cage your selling for a guinea or rabbit

i will e-mail them:wave:
Just emailed wilko's.
It's funny how they talk about listening to the RWA regarding opening roofs, and yet they seem to have missed anything they have to say about hutch sizes. (I pointed this out in my email)
But it was the "any rabbit would enjoy this new home" that really :censored:ed me off. Maybe I should see if Cinders who's currently tearing round at 90 mile an hour would enjoy being locked in somthing that small. :roll: I think not some how.
An awful place near where i live called dogs r us are selling 3ft hutches too, they are awful but protestors are ALWAYS outside there just for the puppies they sell. :(
I had a good conversation with a bloke on ebay today

I sent

Hi, I'm just wondering why you see your accommodation as 'large' and suitable for a rabbit when the Rabbit Welfare Association state that a 6ft by 2ft hutch with a 4ft by 8ft run is 'acceptable', so anything over that size would be deemed large, not a 3ft or a 4ft hutch/run?

And the reply was

Thankyou for your comments, very nice of you to spend time making them.
What animal welfare don't tell you, is that if you give a rabbit too much room it reverts back to instincts
and can become nasty to handle,Which is one reason why peopple give them up as pets !!
such is the case when they have too little room, i have been making hutches and in the pet trade for
over 20 years, so i think i know a little bit about rabbits by now !!
thanks any way.

So I replied with

Thank you for your speedy reply :)

I guess you had better tell my 19 that they are supposed to be nasty to handle because they have a lot of space; even my wildie is handlable. In my personal experience (which is hefty, but in a slightly different way from yours), the ease of which is a rabbit is handled is often due to the owner.

The only reason I asked is because you're relatively local to me and no where around here sells decent hutches. They are all small boxes due to the owners ignorance and inability to look after their rabbits, and hutch manufacturers unwillingness to change or learn. It would be lovely for someone in this area to be building something that was actually good for the rabbits that lived in it. If that's not you then I apologise for bothering you.

All the best

To which I literally just got this reply

If you google *removed by Sky-O* you will see a full range of what i do , including extra large hutches and giant hutches, i do cater for all sizes of rabbits,
And i do apolagize for taking your e-mail the wrong way. Have a look at the website hopefully you will find what you are after if not i can manufacture to your own specifications as well.

Why oh why must people waste time making small stuff.