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Diet healthy enough


Alpha Buck
Is this diet ok

In the morning they have either "Herbal delight / Salad Feast / dandelion / herbs etc (pets at home - Woodlands range) with a few apple chunks thrown into their hay trays

In the evening they have fresh greens, like rocket, watercress and spinach, cabbage, fresh greens with carrots and baby corn.

They have inlimited pellets (which they rarely eat) and unlimited hay with extra tasty Camomile hay sprinkled on top.

I am really paranoid about them not eating proberly and getting teeth problems, is this ok for them.

Also I am still getting runny poos from the fresh greens should I stop feeding them greens?

Thanks in advance :)
Sounds pretty healthy what pellets are you feeding and you need to feed a small handful not unlimited with the pellets so they eat more hay. I would only feed apple occassionally personally as it is high in sugar.
I feed the excel junior pellets, and its the excel apple chunks I feed them. So I should cut down on the apple pellets a bit? as they have them every day :oops:
When you say they have them every day, how much are we talking?

You really should use anything other than hay, pellets, veg and herbs as a treat only.

The more of everything else they get the less hay they will eat.
I only use the junior dwarf excel for my snuffly bun so he maintains his weight. Have you thought about using the adult pellets as I believe they should have more fibre and less protein. I'm using dried herbs at the moment as forage in their litter trays as I can't get fresh. I usually give them fresh grass, dandelions and plaintain in the spring/summer instead of dried.