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Daffodil Cottage finished at last!

Wow! Thats fab!!
Where did you get your playhouse from?

I got it from Waltons!! I did look at several other websites, this house is the tallest I could find (about 5ft 8, my height!) and gave the best footage for money at £249 IMHO. Delivery was free, they threw in a tin huge tin of safe treatment paint, which matches my new fences. I also paid £120 for it to be put up by waltons, then paid £450 for a carpenter to line, clad and mesh the whole thing ( he bought the material)! it took him ages, and the other quote I got was £650!!!! I should have just let the carpenter put it up, it would have been cheaper and easier for him to line it as he put it up.
I shall be driving my old banger for another year it looks like!!

This morning I see destructabun Peter has noshed the rug up, and they have peed on it (despite two litter trays :roll:) so that will have to come out, bet they hate the lino floor.
I love the set up :):):)

My rabbits have lino tiles on the floor of their hutch which are proving useless :roll: I wanted them to fully use their litter trays so less cleaning but I end up emptying the litter trays every days and full clean too!
Looks fantastic. I have been looking at runaround products because my playhouse is on a raised deck. I will be adding a run next to it but wondered about using runaround things to make a tube from the playhouse to a second run on the grass. How have you found the mesh tunnel?
I love them, they are very solid . I have 2 of the largest sized tunnel as I worried big Lola (JLOla as I call her) might have trouble with a smaller one, but they all would have been fine size wise. I worry about the large sized holes in the mesh, and may cover them with weldmesh just in case a fox took a swipe at them whilst they were in the tunnel, but in reality its unlikely as the tunnels are very near my backdoor and I usually cover them at night. I use heavy weights to hold the tunnels close to the paving again just for extra security ( fox paranoia).

Where did you get the netting from? It looks good to put over a 6' high run to stop cats walking over it. As i am moving to back yard land where there are plenty of feline friends exploring may be that would better than an aviary panel for a roof...what do you think???
Where did you get the netting from? It looks good to put over a 6' high run to stop cats walking over it. As i am moving to back yard land where there are plenty of feline friends exploring may be that would better than an aviary panel for a roof...what do you think???

The netting is from the same company that I bought the metal run from, for covering that.. To be honest I'm not really happy using it over the verandah area, as I feel a determined cat just wouldn't be kept out by it. It is very flimsey. I will be trying something better/more ridgid soon, as this area is the weak link when the door is open, perhaps some more dreaded mesh when my wounds have healed!!
This morning I see destructabun Peter has noshed the rug up, and they have peed on it (despite two litter trays :roll:) so that will have to come out, bet they hate the lino floor.

Marley has always hated smooth floors, ive put fleece at either side of my playhouse with a line of lino down the middle. I never thought hed get used to it, but he seems to be quite confident on it now. IM sure bunbuns will get used to it :) :wave:

Fab set up! I just wish i had more room for a bigger run :( I rekon i could get a 4x8 squeezed in in teh future ;)