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Available Individual: Cute dwarf lop pair in Bedfordshire - owner emigrating


Staff member
Posted on behalf of Lilja http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/private.php?do=newpm&u=35351

Here's the info, I'm gutted to rehome them. They are lovely bunnies, they just came from tiny hutches and they were housed singly. When I got them I bonded them and they now have their own room. They need somewhere permanent and lots of love.

Physical Description: Dwarf lop
Temperament: Friendly and likes people but does not like to be lifted up. Both are fine with cats.
Age: 5
Sex: Male
Neuter Status: Neutered
Vaccination Status: Vaccinated and wormed
Health: Good general health but he has had ecuniculi when he was younger. He has very very slight head tilt on the left hand side.
Type of home wanted: permanent loving home, they are indoors at the moment and have their own room. They came from tiny 5f single level hutch living by themselves and didn't get lot of socialising.
Location: Bedfordshire
Reason for rehoming: Emigrating

Physical Description: Dwarf lop
Temperament: Friendly and likes people, can be lifted. Bit more skittish than Kasper until she gets used to you. Both are fine with cats.
Age: 4
Sex: Female
Neuter Status: Neutered
Vaccination Status: Vaccinated and wormed
Health: Good general health.
Type of home wanted: permanent loving home, they are indoors at the moment and have their own room. They came from tiny 5f single level hutch living by themselves and didn't get lot of socialising.
Location: Bedfordshire
Reason for rehoming: Emigrating

These bunnies are still looking for home. Kasper is now 6yr and Maia is 5yr. Kasper has since the first post had some kidney problems and stasis twice. He does not require medication at the moment just drinks bit more. He might need meds in the future. Because of his issues they need someone experienced and preferably indoor home. They are out at the moment and this is my other problem, they really need to come indoors for the winter and I can't do that because other halfs allergy. Is there anyone who would like to offer retirement home for these lovely bunnies.