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Could somebun let me know if these foods are all ok?


Warren Scout
This is the ingredients list in the Spring Mix I feed my buns for their tea-

Baby lettuces:
red and green romaine
red and green oak leaf
red leaf
lollo rosa

red and greed chard

Are all these ingredients okay for them? If so, is it all okay for them on a daily basis?
Thank you so much!
Baby lettuces:
red and green romaine - Fine
red and green oak leaf - Fine
red leaf - Fine
lollo rosa - Fine
tango - Don't know

red and greed chard - Fine
mizuna - Fine
arugula - Don't know
mache - Don't know
frisee - Fine
radicchio - Fine

All of these are fine as long as you don't feed too much. Try adding some root veg like carrots or swede, and brassicas like cabbage or kale if you don't feed them already
I do add a bit of carrot and kale, and thank you so much for your answers! :D
Does anyone know for sure about the other greens?

Oh, and abbymarysmokey, how much do you think is too much? They get a combination of all the veg on the list daily, so not a lot of any one thing, but a little of everything.