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Corn cob leaf....OK or not?


New Kit
Hubby just gave both of my babies (7wks old) a leaf from the corn (the leaves that you pull off to expose the corn kernels) without me knowing and now I'm panicking that it may harm them :shock: They apparently scoffed it down so I'm hoping they'll be OK. NOT something that will become common practice just yet! Have just explained to him that there are lots of things that are harmful to rabbits and the babies shouldn't be eating vegies yet anyway. Bloody men :censored:
have fed these leaves before with no problem, my babies have fresh as soon as they emerge from the nest and start eating mums, why are u not feeding fresh?
as always start with a little fresh and build it up.
I would like to know if these leaves are ok for them to eat too. We grow our own sweetcorn each year so there is always an abundance of the leaves.
they are safe and high in fibre too I believe. :D Deej has had them in the past and really liked them. also the silks inside are edible for buns too.
Oh excellent. Like I say we have loads in Summer. Something new for them to try.
Thanks very much for the helpful advice :D

Fluff- I thought babies aren't meant to have fresh vegies and fruit until they are around 3 months old?
Vegetables can be slowly introduced one at a time after the baby is about 3 months old.
They've had a couple of pieces of carrot, apple and those leaves since I've had them (1 week)
Thanks very much for the helpful advice :D

Fluff- I thought babies aren't meant to have fresh vegies and fruit until they are around 3 months old? They've had a couple of pieces of carrot, apple and those leaves since I've had them (1 week)

that advice is usually given to people who have bought pet shop or breeder bunnies where the babies have not been given (or you don't know if they have been given) fresh veg before. Babies can eat whatever mum eats from when they start to nibble, although at 7 weeks you should treat them more like an older bunny trying veg for the first time i.e. only allow small amounts and stick to one or two new veg a week until they build up a tolerance to them.
Ah I see, thanks for that :) They love nibbling but I've only given small amounts so far. They had one large leaf of silverbeet between them yesterday and I noticed their poo was heaps softer/on the verge of being runny this morning so will give it a day or two before trying again.