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Can't see old threads.


Young Bun
I've not been a member for long and in some sections there are only a page or two of threads that I can read though the number beside the title suggests there are thousands!

Any ideas?
Hiya. I'm not sure what you mean. Can you tell me what you're looking for??

It's not a Lionel Richie song?? :lol:
Fee xxx
Like if I click on rAbbits in need say, it has 7000+ beside it but then there are only 2 pages of threads and it's the same on other ones. Just when I'm bored I like to read through old threads.
I'm not sure why rabbits in need is like that, but all the other sub forums have about 500 pages, health goes back till at least 2009.

Perhaps they keep the rabbits in need section down to the most recent posts so that rabbits in need now are easy to find and can't get lost amongst the thousands of older posts. You can still use the search function to find older posts if you know what you are looking for.

If you are reading through old posts for entertainment then searching for the word 'trifle' brings up the most scandalous and often locked threads ;)
If you scroll down to the bottom of a section there should be a drop down box where you can pick how far back you'd like it to show topics from, if you change that you should get the older ones showing up :)