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can you rehome ruby

Hi All

On the recomendations of you bunny experts I have been searching for a play house for Max and Ruby.I have been watching the play house below as its near me and ends tomorrow.It needs a bit of repair but as I'm off work next week I thought it could be a project for me and the kids :lol: ! I plan to attach my metal run.Before I start bidding I would like your opinon ,what do you think is it suitable ? -


The repairs all sound pretty minor so I would go for it! :D

It's great to hear how Ruby is improving. :love:
3 hours 40 mins to go !

Thanks for your reply.Just checked on it ,it has 3 hours 40 mins to go and is up to £46 ,has had 6 bids so far.Not going to put my bid in til just before the end - lets hope I get it ;).If not I'm watching a new one which is £120 buy it now or make an offer and they have said they will deliver.Told the kids we whichever house we get for the buns we will be bun proofing and painting it next week.

I have read that some people use lino on the floor ,my buns are litter trained, would you recommend lino ? I'm also thinking of getting some tunnels for them to play in ,some of their toys and hay racks.I have a wooden box with opening lid and door which I thought I could put in and have an old indoor hutch too.Anything else I should think about including ?
Yes I'd recommend Lino for the floor, I have it in my shed and mum has it in the playhouse we helped her convert, makes cleaning out so much easier as its easy to disinfect and looks nice :D

This is such a heartwarming thread :) well done you :wave:
I've just bought a play house - yipee !

Hi All

The original playhouse I was watching sold for over £70 and I didn't bid over that as didn't think it was worth it with the repairs needed.

But ..... just bought a brand new playhouse for £198 all in which includes delivery and installation - what a bargain ! Just waiting for a delivery day to be confirmed,they have said it will definately be this week prior to me buying it.So excited as it means all I have to do is concentrate on bunny proofing it .The kids are excited too and have been busy drawing pictures with interior design ideas ! :D

Anyway heres what I have bought

looks fab just posted on your thread in housing section to see if you won lol

they will love it we have lino best thing we ever did we have fleece blankets and odd carpet tile dotted about anything that keeps their feet from being sore is a big thumbs up from me, luxury housing but they worth it, i loved doing our (free) shed up we got off freecycle, hubby made the windows openers and meshed them up he made new floor i painted and he made a run on the side, we now converted kids wendy house and that homes another bun he just made a run for that on sat, we just need to put few shelves in to make a few levels for interest my friends and family think my bunnies are totally spoilt and i have lost the plot! ha ha but i dont care what anyone thinks they derserve a lovely life like any animal does! we let them free range on garden supervised as they tend to try eat my plants and some can be dangerous, well done keep us posted when its all done up we want pics i will get pics up of mine soon need get new memory card for camera x
The play house has arrived

Hi all

Its been a whirlwind of a day .... Ruby got her head stuck in the metal run after being startled by my mums dog - its a long story and I posted about it on my playhouse thread under housing .

Luckily Ruby is okay and is still making great progress - she is now coming to the front of the hutch with Max on a regular basis for nose rubs.Yep and guess what I nolonger have to wear my gardening gloves for protection :lol:

The playhouse arrived today and is up.I have put down the lino and tomorrow will be fixing the runs ( yep we are having two one on the concrete and one for the grass ) .Going to get some more bolts tomorrow too so that the buns will be secure and then they will be able to move into their new home ..

The guy ( Geoff ) that installed and delivered our play house was great and guess what ... he set up his business when his daughter couldn't find a large good quality hutch for her rabbits.Geoff sells playhouses,sheds and makes chicken houses and rabbit hutches.If anyone wants his details let me know as I have his business card , he installs and delivers his goods which is very handy and is based in Norfolk. :D

Once the playhouse is finished I hope to post some photos

two runs? what lucky bunnies arh sounds like everything is turning out perfect they will all be set up for the winter bless yes pics please oh dear hope ruby didnt get hurt too much when startled by the dog!:wave:
I've just read through this whole thread. That's so wonderful you have kept Ruby and she has really changed. It's so good you persevered with her and turned things around, I know aggressive pets can seem completely unmanageable!! Hope things continue to improve for you and ruby!!
