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Burrowing doe


Warren Scout
Teddy is obsessed with burrowing on me and my bed. I can't get her to stop. Is this hormones that will die down once she is neutered or is she just a monkey? X
Neutering may help, so might drawing her attention elsewhere, a digging box for instance. :) digging is a natural behaviour so don't feel the need to eliminate it, just direct it somewhere else.
i kinda had the same problem but this time they dig in my garden :) i think i know why mine done that i think is because i give them a bit too much freedom and not enough training like i know with rabbits they learn by repetition of what i have read on the internet but i am going to get chicken wire to put at the bottom of the run :) i hope yours get better soon, are your spreyed/nurtured? mine going to be spreyed on friday :)
Neutering should help even eliminate it altogether. I have a few neutered does that never dig. They lose all interest in it.
I've a little digger at the moment and she has been speyed. I just annoy her by filling her holes back in. She loves digging in the middle of the lawn :roll:
one of my bridge buns dug a burrow that extended 6ft under the lawn. I left her to it as it kept her busy and she always came in at bedtime. It stayed that way until i fell down it one day and caved the roof in :lol:
I've a little digger at the moment and she has been speyed. I just annoy her by filling her holes back in. She loves digging in the middle of the lawn :roll:
one of my bridge buns dug a burrow that extended 6ft under the lawn. I left her to it as it kept her busy and she always came in at bedtime. It stayed that way until i fell down it one day and caved the roof in :lol:

Ha ha! The annoying thing with Teddy is that she doesn't burrow when I put her outside, just when she is on me or the bed!! I am just wearing more old clothes do she burrow on me and not hurt me!! X