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Buns eat baby sweetcorn ?


Warren Veteran
Bought some baby sweetcorn for the buns is it okay for them to have ?
Haven't given any to them yet ..
There's contradictory information about sweetcorn, as it has been suggested it's not easy to digest and can cause blockages. I leave out anything I have to think twice about, just to be on the safe side :D
i think it's dried corn (like on the "popcorn" treats you can get for buns) that's the bad stuff. Mine eat BABY corn with no problems but have never dared feed the the big stuff... Even though they've quite happily consumed poisonous plants with no ill effects!! THey must have tummies of steel...
Ive always fed baby sweetcorn to my buns and pigs and rats, no more than twice a week though as its high in starch....never had any probs....