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Bunnyrun From Slough To Lewes

March Hare

Warren Veteran
Is there anyone who can help with a leg of a bunnyrun on Friday morning? We need a leg of the journey from Slough to Lewes in East Sussex. At the moment the other three legs of the journey are *probably* covered.

Anyone? Pretty pretty PLEEEEEEASE??????? :D
We have had this offer

I can collect from J10 M25 and take to Portsmouth, but only tomorrow evening as i'm coming back from visiting family there... I've got a spare hutch here so bunny can stay a few nights if needed, and i can take part way to the finish at some point, say to Chichester. Please be aware that we are moving to Scotland for the summer in the next two weeks (no exact date yet) so there's no way i could keep bunny for any longer than a few days while the rest of the run is sorted.

:D :D :D
hey there im in slough where in east sussex... i could do it but not friday as my boyf has the car... unless i do it by train? would need to check prices. sorry cant do chichester as no idea where that is!!checked aa route planner its a long drive slough to lewes...1hr38 one way... hmm maybe could do part way and someone meet me? as round trip that will be over 3 hours and a lot of petrol. prehaps i could do 45mins in that direction? then its only 1hr 30 round trip? i dunoo see what others can come up with. xx
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hey there im in slough where in east sussex... i could do it but not friday as my boyf has the car... unless i do it by train? would need to check prices. i could do it tommorrow?x

I am free tomorrow until about 1.30 to do the Lewes leg (bun is heading for sunny Eastbourne! :D)....but don't know if everyone else could do the other legs tomorrow.
I am free tomorrow until about 1.30 to do the Lewes leg (bun is heading for sunny Eastbourne! :D)....but don't know if everyone else could do the other legs tomorrow.

if bun going to eastbourne wouldnt it be easier to go direct from slough to eastbourne? x
edit just checked lewes is closer! by 15 mins. x
sorry cant do chichester as no idea where that is!!checked aa route planner its a long drive slough to lewes...1hr38 one way... hmm maybe could do part way and someone meet me? as round trip that will be over 3 hours and a lot of petrol. prehaps i could do 45mins in that direction? then its only 1hr 30 round trip? i dunoo see what others can come up with. xx
Right so all being well we have

Bristol to Portsmouth is covered :D :D

Portsmouth to Lewes - STILL NEEDED

Lewes to EastBourne is covered :D :D
if bun going to eastbourne wouldnt it be easier to go direct from slough to eastbourne? x
edit just checked lewes is closer! by 15 mins. x
sorry cant do chichester as no idea where that is!!checked aa route planner its a long drive slough to lewes...1hr38 one way... hmm maybe could do part way and someone meet me? as round trip that will be over 3 hours and a lot of petrol. prehaps i could do 45mins in that direction? then its only 1hr 30 round trip? i dunoo see what others can come up with. xx

Thank you very much for such a great offer, will PM you if needed :D :D :D
i see. well not sure when im next down in gloucester... but if when i next go yo ustill looking for this run then i would do bristol to slough(o/n here) then part of way to lewes. but i dont know when next going. i generally go once every couplev months(sometimes more often) to gloucester. if this helps in future pm me i went 2 weeks back sorry if id known i would have brought them bun with me then.:( x
i see. well not sure when im next down in gloucester... but if when i next go yo ustill looking for this run then i would do bristol to slough(o/n here) then part of way to lewes. but i dont know when next going. i generally go once every couplev months(sometimes more often) to gloucester. if this helps in future pm me i went 2 weeks back sorry if id known i would have brought them bun with me then.:( x

Have PM'd you :D :D :D :D

Sadly we have had to cancel this run :( , but hopefully will be able to arrange it again as soon as possible :D :D

If anyone can help with any of this run in the future please contact either myself or Jill (March Hare)

Many thanks

If you need somewhere to lodge the bunny for a bit whilst the last leg of the journey can be arranged shout as it can stay at mine .........
If you need somewhere to lodge the bunny for a bit whilst the last leg of the journey can be arranged shout as it can stay at mine .........

Awwww thank you for the fab offer :D :D :D

Luckily the person collecting Charlie is going home from Wales on Moday evening so will keep her with her and then set off Tuesday to Eastbourne :D :D :D (all being well)
