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Bunny not enjoying cuddles anymore

Roly Poly

Warren Veteran
My mini lop turned one in March and every evening since he was a baby, I have brought him inside for a cuddle and he has snuggled up on my lap for anything up to an hour and always seemed to really enjoy it.

However for about the last month, he doesn't want to settle and jumps down straight away. Nothing else about his behaviour has changed but I'm really missing my evening cuddles. Why has he suddenly changed and is there anything I can do to coax him?

Thanks for any help xx
Hi i dont know if this will help but ive been doing some research and ive been told that they have so many hormones that they dont know what to do with them so they express it in many different ways. This could be one of them?! My rabbit loves a head massage that gets her to settle down! Hope this can help? :wave: x
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Has he been neutered? This would probably settle him down again. Boy bunnies do have loads of hormones running around and tend to only think about one thing :oops: :lol:
Hate to say it, but he sounds like a pretty normal bun to me! Most of them don't really like being cuddled. If he isn't neutered, at this time of year in particular he might be feeling a bit frisky. It could also be that he has grown in confidence as he has grown up and that actually he wasn't really previously enjoying the cuddles but was too nervous to know what to do about it. Sadly a quiet, still rabbit is assumed to be relaxed and happy but it's often not the case.

There is a book called 'the relaxed rabbit' which has some massage techniques you can try to see if he likes them. Neutering may help if he isn't already. Also, like I say, this is perfectly normal bunny behaviour so you could start to think of ways to make your house more fun and interesting for him so that you can interact with him and enjoy watching him play instead of through cuddles :)
My bun has been a grump for a few weeks, and has just snapped out of it. I think it's seasonal. Particularly if Mr Vet has not taken a scissor trip to his little danglies! :oops:
I agree. If he's not already neutered then it is probably to do with that. If he is then is more likely to be seasonal.
Yup my Timmys not enjoying his strokes so much atm. He's neutered so I think it must be seasonal. I miss our bonding sessions so I hope they snap out of it soon!
I agree with Santa. My bunnies are independent souls. They like their feet on the floor, hating being picked up and like to do their own thing. They are house rabbits.

When you say you bring him in, is he outside on his own? He might be lonely if hes on his own. Have you thought of a friend for him, or having him as a house rabbit?