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Building our shed tomorrow!


Alpha Buck
Is it so sad that I'm excited about having the shed all set up?

We were given one off a lovely man on Freecycle. It all needs building and re-staining as its radioactive blue right now. Needs some new hinges and locks and some mesh instead of the plastice windows.

Got all the materails today :) Cant' wait!

Will post pics tomorrow :D
cant wait to see pics for inspiration we were also given one off freecycle a 7 x 5 one just needs new floor and a base doing which hubby will be making start on this weekend weather permitting lol, just need mesh to replace windows and new felt then we can get stuck in doing the inside once floor is done and its built i cant wait i am getting soaked doing litter trays and seeing to bunnies this weather cant wait just open door and jump inside with them to clean out etc
We are on the way building it! Other half is getting stressed with it though.

We have got all the sides up. Just need to attach the hinges, roofand then plon it and fix it to the base.

Then I can paint it :D

We cant put it where we want it to go as we have a tree stump there which other half cant remove until he borrows a power saw from work tomorrow. So its blocking my front room window right now.
