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Bought carrots


Warren Scout

We usually give the bunnies a little bit of carrot every so often as a treat. Yesterday I spotted some "bunched carrots" in Sainsburys that basically have massive green things coming out the top. Carrot leaves are they? Dunno :p

Can they eat those too?


Carrot tops - a favourite with most bunnies! Be careful though as I recently bought some of these and they were covered in what looked like salt :? Had to give them a very thorough wash
Random fact, if you cut the top end of the carrot off, with the leaves still attached you can grow it as a pot plant. It will never grow another "carrot" root but it will continue to grow more leaves for a nice regular supply. :)
Random fact, if you cut the top end of the carrot off, with the leaves still attached you can grow it as a pot plant. It will never grow another "carrot" root but it will continue to grow more leaves for a nice regular supply. :)

Good one. We used to grow them as children. I had forgotton all about it.