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Both my rabbits have gone missing :( UPDATE both found dead

Its natural to feel guilty. Unfortunately you didn't know the risk of foxes, a lot of people don't until its too late.

I lost my first girl bunny to a heart attack to a fox trying to desperately break in to their hutch, the fox even managed to move bricks and it was working away at the side of the hutch. I heard my male bunny scream in the very early hours of the morning, rushed out and saw the fox dash from the hutch to the back of the garden and jump the high fence. It was too late for my girl, the shock killed her. Sunshine was fine.

I got him a new companion. A few month later we found her with her ear completely missing, it was a fox, again it couldn't get into the hutch but somehow managed to get her ear. It would have been very traumatic tug of war ripping her ear off and luckily she survived after 2 major operations. After that they were moved inside permanantly.

Oh my goodness that is so sad!! And the bunny who's ear got bit off too :(

dont blame yourself, i had a friend who's rabbit was free ranging in the garden whilst she was sat supervising and a fox came in and took the rabbit in front of her! ......

:shock: That must be even worse!!!!

Oh no that wasn't the update I was hoping for.

I'm so sorry for you. Foxes seem pretty determined. On here I know some people have posted of them getting in the hutches at night when they seemed safe. I think it's just the risk you take when you let your buns outside but it is probably making them happy to be out.

I know Doughnut loves being on the grass in the summer. She has an enclosure but I spotted a fox circling it and she was petrified. I was lucky not to lose her from fright so even if they had a run seeing a fox is still scary and they may not still had a great outcome.

Please think about all the joy they had at being free range and how loved they were.
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I'm so sorry for your sad losses.

I lost a beautiful rabbit 3 years ago and found his headless body at the bottom of the garden.
However, it turned out it wasn't a fox, but a neighbour's ferret that had killed him, so watch out if there are ferrets in your area :cry:

Don't blame yourself....it's just a very hard lesson.....and a mistake we won't make again.

thinking of you x

Just discovered this thread. Have been having to hold back tears, I can only imagine how it must feel :cry:

I hope that, maybe, you can take some form of comfort knowing it was a fox that doesn't know better, rather then a purposeful act :(

They will be with you forever xxx
I was so sad to hear your devastating news and had so hoped you would find them... You did your very best and sorry you have had to lose your babies this way, hugs x
gosh im soo sorry for your loss. my heart and thoughts are with you. binky on at the rainbow bridge missy and leo.
Please don't feel guilty. Your bunnies obviously had a wonderful life with you - better than most can even dream of - and they must have had a fantastic time running free in your garden. It's just not possible to predict every tragedy, and you're not to blame for what you didn't know or expect.
Hopefully in time you'll feel ready to give some more rabbits the chance of a lovely life.
I'm so so sorry, it must have been an awful shock.
They were an adorable pair of bunsters and will be greatly missed.

Binky Free Leo & Missy ~xxx~

Take care, try not to blame yourself to much, it could've happened to anyone xxx
I am so so sorry :cry::cry::cry: I've only just caught up with this and it's had me in floods of tears, it's just so awful, poor bunnies, poor you (((hugs))) I'm just so sorry for your tragic losses Xxx
I'm so sorry to read about your bunnies. It's a fine balance between giving them freedom with its risks and going overboard with keeping them locked up in a smaller but safer space. I lost my rabbit to flystrike last summer and whilst I still blame myself for allowing it to happen, I'm finally able to look at pictures of rabbits without crying. Hopefully one day soon I'll feel strong enough to get a new rabbit. I hope you do too xx