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Bonding vibes required.

Oh this made me sad, I know what you mean, she was always so glad to see me when I looked after her and now she's all scared and doesn't know what's going on.:cry:I'm worried for her,I hope it works out.

I'm sure, given enough time, Janice will succeed with both pairings x

I think she was probably a single bunny for most of her young life, so being with another bunny is quite a shock. Especially when he goes straight for her ear. It would be great if all bondings were love at first sight. Less cake, but more sleep for Janice. :lol:
Less cake, but more sleep for Janice. :lol:

I can cope with that. I am off to my real bed in a minute, the house is strangely peacefull tonight when compared to last night. I can hear them from my room and the plastic trays make all the movements so much more louder.
Hope things continue on smoothly through the night Janice, and that you are able to get some much deserved rest!!! :D xxx
I was woken a few times overnight by the wind and the rain against my bedroom window, but not at all by any of the rabbits. I even made myself go down stairs to check that I had left the doors open so that I could hear the buns if they started kicking off .... but they were open.

This morning Jack and Emily were in their litter tray, Emily facing the wall which is her frequent position, both of them boldly got out to hoover up some of the SS pellets I distributed on the floor ...... I am still feeling good about them.

Vernon was still sitting in his usual corner, Chrissie however had positioned herself nearer to him than she had ever dared sit down previously on her own accord. When I sprinkled there Excel on the base of their area, Vernon confidentally lent forward and started eating, they both just got on with eating ignoring the other one ..... my confidence in these two is growing now.

For both of them, this is real progress in such a short time. 24 hours earlier they were both really attacking each other and now I can almost forget that they are actually in the house.

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That is FANTASTIC, Janice!!! :D :D Vernon and Chrissie appear to be quite relaxed with each other in that pic.......I think your magic is working yet again!!!!!:D
That is FANTASTIC, Janice!!! :D :D Vernon and Chrissie appear to be quite relaxed with each other in that pic.......I think your magic is working yet again!!!!!:D

I have had a couple of little short lived fights since, mainly over food as Chrissie is quite keen on her food and she is quick to access it, Vernon is also keen but a little plumper but stands back and lets her have it, he then has a go at her :oops: I am sure given time we can sort this out.
Just caught Jack demanding licks from Emily, she gave him one lick and backed off nervously ... not sure if it was my presence which put her off or whether it was the fact that Jack has not always been very gentleman like to her :D
That is a BRILLIANT breakthrough!!!!!:D :D :D And VERY brave of Emily!!!! What a sweet girl.....and it sounds like Jack is falling for her charms, too!:D
Just caught Jack demanding licks from Emily, she gave him one lick and backed off nervously ... not sure if it was my presence which put her off or whether it was the fact that Jack has not always been very gentleman like to her :D

Hopefully that's a sign that Emily's bringing out Jack's less yobbish side :rolleyes: :lol:
Great work Janice, both with Jack/Emily and Vernon/Chrissie. I never imagined Jack demanding licks from Emily when I saw him bite her ear on Sunday evening. How rewarding that must be! Still keeping the faith!
Emily and Jack have had a good afternoon a couple of very short chases but generally quite quiet. Emily is beginning to trust Jack now which is really good. Emily and Jack should be ok to go home tomorrow evening.

With Vernon and Chrissie we are not having as many chasing episodes as we did yesterday, we have a situation where they are both playing hard to get which is really not helping me assist them to progres at the moment. So whilst we have moved on a lot since the constant fighting situation at their old home, we are a little static at the moment. They are both lovely rabbits, Chrissie is a typical dutch and a little impatient with Vernon as he refuses point blank to give him any attention and nips him every now and again as if to say 'why are you ignoring me'. Vernon is totally ignoring Chrissie and just wont admit she is there almost next to him. His testosterone levels seem to be a little on the low side, if you get my drift :oops: Hopefully if Vernon budges and starts giving Chrissie some attention we can change this round quite quickly.
Emily and Jack have had a good afternoon a couple of very short chases but generally quite quiet. Emily is beginning to trust Jack now which is really good. Emily and Jack should be ok to go home tomorrow evening.

I wasn't bouncing around again... honest :mrgreen:
I hate the idea of single bunnies but I really did think Jack was destined to end up on his own. Thank you so much Janice!

I'll keep everything crossed for Vernon and Chrissie
Thank you, Janice

Janice, it was lovely speaking to you earlier this evening.

We just wanted to say that it is absolutely amazing what you are doing. Your patience and motivation are fantastic!

Thank you so much for everything that you are doing for Vernon and Chrissie. We hope that Vernon will finally realise how lovely Chrissie is and give her some attention! It would be fantastic if Chrissie could stay with us!
Jack and Emily went out to their new home last night. I do hope that they are being good and settling in.

Vernon and Chrissie I have been struggling with and there remained a lot of nipping as Vernon was totally ignoring Chrissie, Chrissie seemed to end up nipping Vernon as a means of trying to get attention. Unfortunately this didnt work either and was causing Vernon to get a little withdrawn, but resulted in now additional attention for her. For this reason I have abandonded the pairing up but put Vernon in with Holly who is a small lionhead. My intention with bonding is to have 2 happy bunnies and a happy owner and I am not convinced in the long run I would have achieved this with Vernon and Holly.

Within 5 minutes Vernon is a different character a lot more active and now persistently humping Holly, something he never did with Chrissie. This will all settle down quite quickly over the next day or so. There has not been a single bit of fur lost.

This is not a good picture but gives an idea to Paul on the size and colour of Holly. Holly is quite a bit smaller and lighter than Vernon.


I do so hope that this works out for Vernon and Paul is happy with Holly as a partner for Vernon.
This morning we still have a bit of chasing as he is looking to mount her, however absolutaly no fighting at all. Hopefuly as they day goes on they will become calmer.