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Bonding Rabbits All Ended in Squeals!


Young Bun
yesterday I adopted a 22 week old female rabbit, who had to be put up for adoption because her previous owners rabbit ripped a little chunk off the tip of her ear! Plus they was always fighting. Knowing that was fighting, I decided if I was going to take her home i'd another another hutch just incase she didn't get own with our other rabbit Richard. (Thank god I did) The guy told me that she was housed with 4 other rabbits but there was just one rabbit who wouldn't leave her alone! But they said they've had her in with other rabbits and she has been fine, little timid but fine. So I thought she be ok with my Laid back 17 week old Rabbit Richard.

So I brought her home and me and the girlfriend decided to call her "Mime" as she is black and white. While she was still in her box, we took some of the straw that was brought home in and put it in Richards cage, and visa versa. so they both had a scent. We let mime out in our living room and she was real scared so we all just sat quietly, in the end she started moving around. She came up to me and let me stroke her!

So after about 2 hours of her just getting a feel for the place, I went and made her new hutch up, and brought richard into the house with me and sat him on my lap and stroked him to reasure him everything was ok. After about 20 Minutes I put him on the floor and they both ran to each other and sniffed each other. Thought it was all going well.


Richard got frisky and mounted her head, which she knocked him off, so we split the up for a few minutes then tried again. Anyways he kept on mounting her and she just went mental and turned on him and bite him, I've never heard Richard squeal like that! and there was fluff from Rich all over the floor.

I picked him up and checked him out and gave him a stroke and a cuddle then put him on the floor for just one last try, but he went off in a sulk under my daughters stand up drawing board, where he usually goes to chill, anyways Mime wanted to go there to, bit more sniffing then she turned around and "Sprayed" her scent on him. I don't know if thats a good sign or a bad sign. So we put Richard back into his cage, and Mime into hers.

Now we've had to let them out seperate, and Richard will go up to Mime's cage for a sniff and she start trying to dig!

So I don't know what to do now guys, should I try again? I want them to get on, Richard is usually just a laid back Rabbit these days. Such a shame to see him let bit

When she sprayed him does that mean she more dominate?
Are they both neutered?

I think for now leave them to get used to eachother with wire between them but so they can still sniff eachother. He will want to mount her until the novelty wears off but shes obviously not amused! How old are they both?
So if she is 22 weeks old then she must be around 5 months old and if he is 17 weeks then he must be about 4 months - therefore I would guess that they are not neutered.
Richard is 18 weeks not neutered yet, going to be soon mind you. Thats the first call of duty!

Mime is 22 weeks not spayed either, should I get her done? I hear it can be risky.

When they sniff through the bars at each other, Mime seems to dig and try and bite through the cage at him. I take it that ain't a good sign.

Main concern is Mime scenting Richard.
We don't want baby bunnies, I will have keep them seperated until I can get richard done. Then try again with them, that why we brought the seperate hutch for the just incase they fight.
I would think that maybe it would be wise to have them neutered first and then introduce them properly after that? I guess they would both be calmer once ops over and (as an additional thought) be a little more "used" to seeing the other around?

GOOD LUCK with it anyway.
yeah they'll both get done. how much is average spayed/ neuter?

They'll remain seperated until there both done and healed.
I only mentioned it because you said you'd introduced them already and that Richard had mounted her a few times before she bit him.

Poor girl sounds like she has been through the ringer already, and of course there is every possibility that she could already be pregnant.
well we broke them up straight away everytime he started to mount, but if she does fall pregnant, we'll just look after the lil' uns too.
The cost of spay/neutering varies A LOT from vet to vet and from one area to another.

As a general guide it's about £25 - £50 to castrate and £35 - £70 for a female...It's quite a lot of money but you only have to pay out once and it's worth it when you consider the problems you could have if they aren't done.;)

I do hope that you don't have babies but if you split them up at once hopefully all will be well on that score.

Again, GOOD LUCK with it.:)
it doesnt take any time at all to get a rabbit pregnant, the fact that they both have raging hormones is probably why they dont want to bond!

you need to get them both done asap, baby bunnys are difficult to care for and its not as simple as you think its going to be
I paid £60 for my boys to be done at a vet i trusted and he keeps them overnight for observation to makesure they are pooing ect. My does will cost about £100, it is worth it, they can be very hromonal and terriorial otherwise, saffy is a little monster at the mo! Def do not introduce them before they are done!!! Males can be fertile for 2-3 weeks after too
Thank you Teepee. :)

I mean if rabbits can "pass their fluids" in a split second then I shall be concerned.

I will pop down to my local vets today and get a price on both male and female castrates (sp?)
the others are right im afraid that rabbits of that age will unlikely bond as they are coming of age...and yes that means one mount can be pregnant bunnies who all have to be neutered and vaccs and given hutches seperatly as they grow up or rehomed(if you leave boys and girls together they will im breed which can have helth implications as well as starting a viscous circle of babies)

Speying a female varies vet to vet and with a confident vet who is rabbit savvy not a problem and very safe. the prices go from £40 - around £100 (yup my vet wants 90 and mums a hundred just rang to ask) males are cheaper to neuter as the surgery is less invasive. you will need to keep them seperate until they have 4 weeks after ops as they can still mate until all hormones have gone.

also do not re introduce them until after this time tho let them have each others scent around. bonding can take anything from an hour to a month so have lots of time and patience for them.

you may find its best o ask a rescue to bond them for you it takes away the stress as there is usually some fur pulling and mounting and nip and chase before they settle and become freinds.

good luck and keep an eye on your female.she may very well be pregnant
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Just to add (because my bun has just been neutered so I know) the 4 week gap afterwards is really important because the male can still be fertile upto 3 weeks later!

Edited because I just realised Teepee had covered this!
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thank bun lover, i'll keep a good watch on my Mime.

I will leave it quite a few a weeks before re introduce them after they've been done.

Just another question, can a female spay be quite dangerous for a rabbit?
Just to add (because my bun has just been neutered so I know) the 4 week gap afterwards is really important because the male can still be fertile upto 3 weeks later!

Thank you Kay, yes there will be no more contact until Richard and mime are done and everything is healed. Then leave it another month or so, so Richard become infertile.
I do hope the female is not pregnant, I would definately keep them separate until they are done. Then get a rescue to bond them!