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Bonding help and advice.


Young Bun
Hey, I’m wondering if you guys can help me. Bunny behaviour isn’t actually one of my strong points and to be frank, I have no idea what I’m doing, so I’m hoping I’m not doing anything wrong so far.

Anyway, I have two bunnies. Both are neutered.

1) Pippin. He’s quite timid.
2) Eowyn. She’s quite bossy and grumpy I think.

But hey ho, I’m trying to bond them.

I’ve put them in the bathroom, but I think the area was a bit too big and they ended on separate sides of the room and just didn’t interact. Which I think is good at first but they just continued to do it so I’ve decided to make the area a lot smaller.

They have been on in a car ride together, and now I’ve narrowed it down to a large-ish litter box in a cage which is just short of 1m x 1m. So that’s where they are now and I plan to keep them in there overnight and all Monday.

They have sat together, groomed in each other’s presence, flopped. Pippin has licked/groomed her. She does this thing where she literally slides up to him, head flat on the floor and Pip mostly licks her. I’m not sure if she’s groomed him. It looked like it but it looked more like chewing(?) before Pip started freaking out.

The only problem is, is that Pippin just sits there. He doesn’t move for sometimes over an hour. Which I’ve read is normal. But as soon as he moves, she goes for him. And then he sits still for ages and I presume she get bored and goes about her bunny business again until he moves and the cycle starts over again.

So now the bombardment of questions. Am I doing the right thing? Will Eowyn eventually pack it in or do I need to do things differently? Am I okay in keeping them over night?
I put a massive wad of hay in there and she’s happily munching away? Am I okay in doing this or should I remove it?

Also should I give them their bunny kibble (separately and then put them back together) or should I just give them more hay and a bowl of water if they stay overnight?

Thank you very much if you help. And thank you very much if you’ve managed to read through my gibbering. I think I’m having kittens here. I can take pictures if you would like pictures?
Can I just say that I wouldn't leave them together overnight unless you intend to stay up with them. You need to be there in case a fight breaks out.
I intended on camping on the sofa but would it be better if I put them back and just keep them together all Monday?
When I bonded my two I didn't let them stay together in the same cage until about a week after I thought they were happy in each other's company. Have you tried putting them in separate enclosures side by side? That seemed to work better with mine. I am by no means an expert at bonding but taking it one day at a time and not rushing is what I found worked best. Also I found that they tended to fight more over food but I guess all bunnies are different! Good luck on your bonding