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Bonding 6, help needed, please


Wise Old Thumper
Granite doesn't seem to like boys :( He bullied Charlie after Autumn left us, however they did get on well before that, but Autumn was boss of the group.

I tried bonding Sophie and Granite to Bluebelle and Frankie, and although Granite and Sophie were happy with Belle, and Sophie was happy with both of them, I came back from my weekend to find that Granite would not stop chasing Frankie, dispite only being in a small neutral area.

Frankie has two bite marks and his nose nipped, which have been checked by the vet. I feel horrible for leaving them :(, as no one else knew there was a problem :(.

I have seperated them for a week, and letting Frankie recover from his ordeal. I am regularly swapping them over, so they know each other is around.

I think Charlie and Frankie will get on, as Charlie is such a laid back bunny, but uncertain as to what Frankie will think of him after his recent experiences with other bunnies. I had them in pens side by side and neither coupld seemed bothered, although I get the feeling Cherry is a dark horse, and she likes to be dominant over Charlie.

Any help, advice or words of wisdom??
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i found this website useful...
house rabbits network
Love Match:
A Guide to Bonding Your Rabbits
by Suzanne Smith
sorry couldnt get the link to work
hope it helps dee
thanks, Ive found it, unfortunately its nothing I havn't read before, Ive bonded a group of 4 a male male pair and a female female pair, out of that I had most difficulty with the females, but used the techniques from here and got them to bond..

Im just not too sure how to progress. Im thinking of taking a few days off during half term and just concentrating on bonding them all together.

I wonder if concentrating on bonding the two males, away from their girlfriends may help? anyone have comments on that? Or if I should just bond all six and see if there are any problems with the dynamics of that.

P.S. every bun seems really health, with Charlie being a porker now, and Cherry quickly catching up to him, after her teeth have been seen to :) she is even eating hay
I wonder if concentrating on bonding the two males, away from their girlfriends may help? anyone have comments on that? Or if I should just bond all six and see if there are any problems with the dynamics of that.

I was asking Chloe from Fat Fluffs much the same thing the other day but she said just to bond in a group as my boys relationship would change any way once they are in the group [I will be trying to bond 2 males with a male/female pair-almost reaching for the wine just thinking about it!!:oops:]
Best of luck
I think its a matter of patience and time to be honest, its taken months for my buns to be what id call a properly bonded 4. I have 3 dominent buns and really didnt think id get them to bond but they have sorted themselves out after alot of car rides and using all bonding techniques ive learnt from here.
Did you keep them together through the whole process, or seperate and try again a few days later?

I know I have kept my guys together throughout, But I am scared they will do more damage to each other when I am not there to watch, especially if it takes months.
really silly question, would they have to be supervised all the time?? (for a long bonding, I know for a short one they do)