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Bonding 2 males

Bino Wabbit

Alpha Buck
I am going to try and bond 2 males, both have very laid back tempermants. Both are neutered but 1 was only done recently, i wondered how long to wait until i try them together?:)
I would wait 8-10 weeks maybe longer depending on the bun just to give their hormones time to settle.

I bonded my 2 males, my first bond and they have been together coming up for a year now and both were hyper, not so laid back and one had an domineering aggressive behaviour and after a few fights things settled nicely and both are happy laid back and not aggressive towards human or each other :love: they are brothers from seperate litters and love each other:love:

Im so happy they got on :love:

Hope you have the same luck its wonderful when bunnies have friends :love::love:
Good luck with the bonding, we are hoping to bond our two male nethies soon. They were both neutered 6-8 weeks ago and they are father and son.

I just need to set aside some quality time to try and try again if needed.