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Bonded Pair, how to help my female bun with the loss of her mate


New Kit

Does anyone have any advice on how to help my female bunny Cleo with the loss of her mate, Peanut. Peanut had to be put to sleep on Saturday morning due to him losing the use of his back legs and his bladder. She knows that he's not in the run, and keeps just sitting in her hutch. I tried putting in a cuddle toy rabbit as a bit of company for her. I have kept her company too but she's not interested in me.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Sorry you lost your rabbit. The only thing I can say is most rabbits take it in their stride when losing a friend only occasionally does one get very upset. Keep your eye on her and hope she is ok.
Hi, I'm sorry to hear about Peanut.:cry::cry:

I hope Cleo is eating, drinking, peeing and pooing okay. The soft toy is a good idea, especially for a bereaved bunny to snuggle to and provide some comfort. I've found them to be invaluable when dealing with bereft bunnies. I'm sure that you will be giving Cleo more attention during this sad time in her life.

Perhaps in time you might consider getting Cleo a new husbun. As and when you think the time is right for both of you.

Take care of yourselves.

Just noticed that you are a new member of RU.

Welcome.:wave: You are among friends here.:thumb: