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Bonded bunnies fur pulling - please help!

I really can't work these two out. When I got home tonight they were sitting togther, but then as they ran over to the door to greet me, Bunny seemed annoyed at Buster. He just loves her so much that he likes to follow her around and nuzzle his face into her fur. As I put them some dinner down Buster decided to hump Bunny.

But just now they are sitting grooming each other again. I worry that leaving them together while l am out all day is a risky business, but I didn't want to separate them if I don't need to. It might just be that he accidently stood on her poorly toe or something.

I honestly don't think I'm cut out to be a bunny mum 😕
Oh gosh they are lovely, and stop worrying about being a bad bunny mum, you are doing great !
Thanks pets mum. My OH is out this evening so I've just been sitting here by myself worrying about them. He's tell me I'm being ridiculous if he was here!!