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Blackbird That My Neighbours Cat Killed UD: Another One!!


Mama Doe
Yesterday, when I was putting my chickens in for the night I heard a massive commotion at the top of my garden. I quickly ran out of the chicken run and saw that my neighbours cat had a blackbird in his mouth, and other blackbirds were flying at him and screeching in the attempt to make him let go. I ran up my garden to try and save the bird, but the cat ran off with it and went over several gardens.

Very upsetting to witness. :cry::cry::cry:

Fly free, little bird.

Update: He's just killed the second bird in two days! I've realised it's because he's not wearing his collar, which has a bell on it. Therefore, the birds aren't being warned that he's there :(
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Very sad. I'm afraid one of my cats is a hunter and I haven't been unable to control this behaviour. I've managed to save many frogs, voles, mice, worms and birds but not all of them, and I hate it.
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Awww :cry: so sad for the blackbird. Such an unnecessary death. If it was a dog killing a cat, there would be an outcry.

Sleep tight blackbird. Hope you didn't have your own babies to feed :cry:.