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Binky free Oscar Bun


Warren Scout
Our bun Oscar went to Rainbow Bridge today. Completely unexpected, was not too long ago he was ripping into his christmas present. He was our oddball bun, funny looking and a bit of a doughnut but we loved him! He was a real sun bun stretching out in the sun, soaking it up. We will miss you so much Oscar and so will your Jessie bun. Go and find Jasmine at the bridge and binky free together!!
It's heart breaking to lose someone so special x Have fun with all the RU buns over the bridge sweetheart x
Aw no. Am so very sorry you've lost Oscar - he was gorgeous and it sounds as though he was quite a character.

Binky free Oscar xx
so sorry to hear that, I recently lost my bunny Hopscotch on the 4th :( unexpected too and just reading how yours was getting into his xmas present reminded me how she was; it's a tough thing and you feel like a massive part of you has been snatched away. I'm sure oscar and my hopscotch will be running around the rainbow bridge and binkying :) hugs xxxx