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Big buns you are beautiful x

I said get the biggest size.........stoopid hoomin!

I love these topics, any excuse to put my handsome boy on here.
Love big bunnies cos they are lovable, cuddly, funny, cheeky and loves being around people where as in the past my little ones didn't really like to around people feet but Bramble rules the garden and will plonk where ever and whoever he wants.

Here he is at about 14 weeks



and a few weeks ago



Would you believe he is an outside bunny but is very quick at getting in the back door when it is open to have a nosey around the house. little tinker!!!
My big bunny is my frenchie Darwin, who is ever so slightly stooooopid, and we love him for lots of reason - he's v friendly, he's v happy, he loves his lady bun Lavender, he love his hay, his poos are like boulders (honestly there are smaller mapped rock formations!), he's a bit of a scaredy cat, and he always seems to make us laugh.


He also thinks hes a dog, or perhaps a show jumping pony..
My big bunny is my frenchie Darwin, who is ever so slightly stooooopid, and we love him for lots of reason - he's v friendly, he's v happy, he loves his lady bun Lavender, he love his hay, his poos are like boulders (honestly there are smaller mapped rock formations!), he's a bit of a scaredy cat, and he always seems to make us laugh.


He also thinks hes a dog, or perhaps a show jumping pony..

I love the picture of him jumping:love: My camera pauses before it takes a pic so i never catch anythin good lol
My big bunny is my frenchie Darwin, who is ever so slightly stooooopid, and we love him for lots of reason - he's v friendly, he's v happy, he loves his lady bun Lavender, he love his hay, his poos are like boulders (honestly there are smaller mapped rock formations!), he's a bit of a scaredy cat, and he always seems to make us laugh.

He also thinks hes a dog, or perhaps a show jumping pony..

if there is one thing guaranteed to make me laugh its big bunny bikies:lol:

love it!
Our three... they are 1/2 Flemish Giant, 1/2 Continental Giant. Currently about 6 months old.

Dark Sable is Keyser, More gingery one is Caern, and the paler one is our big boy, Soze.



Caern & Soze
