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Best hay for rabbits


Alpha Buck
Does anybody know what is the absolute best hay for rabbits? I know Timothy hay is considered good, but do you think it's best to have a variety of hays, e.g. Timothy/Meadow/Oat/Grass or should you stick to one or two?

Is there anything that should be really restricted (like alfalfa hay I know should be), but are there any others that should be restricted?

Hi, I get a bale of timothy hay then get small bags of different hay from different shops just to give them a choice. But the Timothy has is their favoirte. I don't give them any alfalfa as I've heard some bad things about feeding this and as it's included in alot of bunny feeds anyway I don't feel the need to give them extra. :D
My buns love Timothy and go mad for Burns' Oat hay too. They pretty much love all of it (Meadow etc) as long as it's the most expensive. Bob outright refuses to eat the cheap stuff. :roll:
I have dustfreehay and the bunnies love it. They get either the soft or the stalky and eat far more of it than any other hay I have tried them with.