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Warren Scout
Does anyone use Rapport for guinea pigs or rabbits bedding? It's basically rapeseed stalks chopped and dust extracted a bit like chopped hay.
Yes but it's called 'Bliss' where I get it from. It's a bit smelly (similar to the way the fields smell right around now) but fantastic value for money. Only thing is I don't think it's very absorbent so not suitable for litter trays. I do use it for litter but the bottom of the tray is always soaking.
Thanks yes it is smelly, but I thought it would be less dusty than shavings although just about all my customers still use them :) I've opened it and put it in the coop but not used it in the hutches yet.
Don't know what that is :lol: but shavings aren't that absorbent as well as the fact it's not good for bunnies as it affects their respiratory system and can get stuck in their eyes. Do you mean something under hay for litter trays? A good lining of newspaper works better than shavings and things :) or megazorb which is very absorbant and doesn't smell :wave:
Don't know what that is :lol: but shavings aren't that absorbent as well as the fact it's not good for bunnies as it affects their respiratory system and can get stuck in their eyes. Do you mean something under hay for litter trays? A good lining of newspaper works better than shavings and things :) or megazorb which is very absorbant and doesn't smell :wave:

What she said!
Thanks guys I'm just using it in the corners of the runs where lots of buns seem to like to wee. It makes it easier to clean out. :)