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Because of my hobby I cant re-home a rabbit


Young Bun
From aslong as i can remember i have loved animals of al sorts, it was always my passion to be a vet, during my process of getting the correct experince i did a stint at a local falconry centre. I was a bit dubious to begin with but soon feel in love with it, not really the hunting aspect more the relationship with the birds

I got my first bird a Barn Owl, she was 9years when i got her, her owners had just left her i na avairy with no flying just feeding her, poor soul, so once i got her we startted training, she is a captive bred bird and hand reared, but had never had the chance to strech her wings, so i started work and now 3 years on she flies free every day for foor

2nd bird was a female kestrel again, jsut left by owners treated like a budgie was 2years when i got her and had been tetherd all her life with no flying! within 2 weeks she was flying free and loving it

3rd bird a male harris hawk, he was unwanted by his owner because he was scared of everything, Harris hawks are ultimately hunting birds, we all no rabbits in the wild cause a pest to the farmers, and as horrible as it may seem reality has to kick in and the number have to be controlled. This is where the hawk comes in (i have never used a gun they scare me!) the hawk is able to catch the rabbit, a correctly trained hawk will catch the rabbit silently, and it is up to falconer to dispatch the prey quickly and humanely so the animal does not suffer, the animal should no suffer!

so aparently me doing this makes me un-suitable for a rabbit, my old female is 8 years old, neutured and vacd, she is being made to live alone as people wont re-home to me?? surely this isnt fair on willow

the biggest problem is the lack of understanding about falconry, it is illegal to feed live food to birds, and i would never do, but just like humans they have to eat meat, but some people struggle with a hawk eating chicken but not with their roast dinner??

sorry for long thread, but it just makes me soo mad, my poor old girl is soo lonely, it leaves me no choice but to go to a pet shop!
TBH i can see it from the rescues point of view! I dont think id be keen to rehome to someone with a hunting bird incase anything happened, but you know your animals best, and i suppose its just like the rest of us having cats and dogs
Maybe invite the rescue person round to meet your birds? and explain what measures you currently to safeguard the rabbit you already have?
You odviously care about your bun to take the time to get it neutered and vacced.
I got knocked back from a rescue for fostering and one for adoption, but i kept my head held high and told myself i wasnt a bad bunny owner, and fate would let me know when the right bun was around for me! and i ended up getting my beutifle fletcher :D
A lot of people on here are against any animal killing of any kind, I wouldn't be surprised if this thread turned into a flame fest that gets locked.

How many rescues have you actually tried? They all have different standards and are run by different people with different opinions. Whilst a lot will probably refuse you might find one that will allow you to adopt if you keep on trying. There might also be a private individual who has listed a rabbit for rehome on this website www.rabbitrehome.org.uk

ps pets @ home have some rabbits for adoption in their stores. you might be able to give them a good home if you chat to the staff.
are you saying you go hunting wild rabbits with your harris hawk and kill them with your bare hands after they've been brought back to you?
there is no way the hawk can get to the rabbit, they are either in an avairy or mews, people hear i am a falconer and that is it, not even get the homecheck point.

I hear of more pet rabbits getting killed by, dogs, cats and ferrets than birds of prey??

infact how many people can say their next door neighbours rabbit was killed by their hawk or falcon??

but willow has been on her own too long now and i am not willing for er be on her own much longer
It is a tough one but then again people living in rural areas have birds of prey around and they are not fed at home so more likely to be hunting - as long as the accommodation was secure from predators I would be willing to consider as like has been said dogs, cats and foxes can all be as much of a threat when hungry.
there is no way the hawk can get to the rabbit, they are either in an avairy or mews, people hear i am a falconer and that is it, not even get the homecheck point.

Simple - don't tell them about the birds until they come round for the homecheck. ;)

That way you can see your set up and explain to them properly.
are you saying you go hunting wild rabbits with your harris hawk and kill them with your bare hands after they've been brought back to you?

i should have guessed this, how would you recomend the rabbit is dispatched slowly due to mixy, having their warren blown up, a missed shot allowing the poor bun to die in pain

1st it is a sad fact but rabbits cost farmers too much money each year, and they are a pest, it is not a nice thing to have to consider but any sane person is aware of this

2. the bird is not a retriever, they re trained to hold the rabbit, as every rabbit owner nos once a rabbit is being held, they do not struggle, the only hunmane and quick way to dispatch this is yes to do it by hand unless of course you can think of another?

this isnt an argument about falconry or hunting, as i bet 99% of you eat meat, now the stress that animal goes through to get to your plate is horrific!

but how does making me a falconer make me care less for my animals?
People feed dog/cats meat, including rabbit, I don't see much difference because its fresh caught. As long as the accommodation is secure and you can demonstrate you'll provide care requirements it sounds okay to me.
It is a tough one but then again people living in rural areas have birds of prey around and they are not fed at home so more likely to be hunting - as long as the accommodation was secure from predators I would be willing to consider as like has been said dogs, cats and foxes can all be as much of a threat when hungry.

excellent reply and just as it should be, i have some great responses from centres and places willing to let me adopt but they dont have the right bunny :(
People feed dog/cats meat, including rabbit, I don't see much difference because its fresh caught. As long as the accommodation is secure and you can demonstrate you'll provide care requirements it sounds okay to me.

thankyou, i understand how some people can be a bit dubious about it, but exactly as you say, dog meat comes from somewhere i bet it isnt nice!
excellent reply and just as it should be, i have some great responses from centres and places willing to let me adopt but they dont have the right bunny :(

Youll know when the right bunny comes along - its better to be patient and wait and get the exact right bunny for you :love:
this isnt an argument about falconry or hunting, as i bet 99% of you eat meat, now the stress that animal goes through to get to your plate is horrific!

Don't think that statistic would apply to this forum to be honest!

However, I get your point - a quick humane death is better than what lots of animals farmed for meat go through. On the other hand, lots of members on here are vegetarian/vegan so rather than "humane vs slaughter" it's "killing by any method vs not killing at all"
A bird of prey has to eat though as do dogs and cats, and has to eat meat, and has to have everything to be able to keep healthy
A bird of prey has to eat though as do dogs and cats, and has to eat meat, and has to have everything to be able to keep healthy

I know what you mean - I can understand why you do it. But I can understand why people would be against it too. Obviously the birds have to eat but lots of people would argue about them being domesticated in the first place.
I think you're doing the right thing by the birds and I'm sorry the rescues can't look at you as an individual and judge by that.
As an alternative, perhaps you could see if there are any rabbits in free-ads or similar? I would personally not recommend buying from someone breeding and advertising, or buying "ex-breeder" rabbits from someone who is still breeding (but getting rid of 'old stock') but if you can't rescue officially then you could rescue an unwanted pet or one that's being rehomed due to circumstances via somewhere like that.
I'm surprised people are so hesitant to rehome with you. Birds of prey require a huge committment and much time and attention and the fact that you have taken on three with problems, trained them and sorted them out shows how determined you are.
Do fly on your own land? Most falconers use local farm land, so the only way there could be a problem would be if a bird escaped from mews at the same time as your rabbit from it's run/hutch! Cats, dogs, ferrets, wild birds are all equally dangerous but few rescues will refuse on these grounds.
If the birds can't get to the rabbits and don't scare them by their presence, then I don't see why you should be judged differently from people who have dogs running all over their house and garden, or who own snakes and other meat eating pets. The only difference is that you go out and hunt instead of buying tins in a supermarket.
Most rescues want to see the rabbits in a fox proof accomodation. If yours if fox proof, then it should protect the bunnies from birds, as well.
Some Rescues might not want to rehome to you - in the same way some Rescues wouldn't be happy rehoming to someone who keeps their buns free range outdoors or already has a lot of buns. But each Rescue has their own criteria so i would ask about:D
I can't understand how you can kill a wild rabbit but keep a pet rabbit?
- could you not rehabilitate your falcons into the wild? They are clearly able to fend for themselves now if they go out to catch their food(wild rabbits). A wildlife centre would help you do this.

I would think a pet rabbit would be scared if it could see/smell a bird of prey like a falcon nearby-bit like keeping a fox next to a rabbit.

I cant understand how you don't feel great distress when you see your falcon attacking a wild rabbit? Do you not think the wild rabbit suffers before you come to kill it? I know the falcons eat them in the wild but they all have the same chance then. Presumably you let your falcons out when you think they have the best chance of catching a rabbit? Is this not a danger to pet rabbits living nearby?
I understand your point about rabbit food in cat food, but guess many rabbit owners wouldn't chose those types of meat anyway anymore than they would chose to eat rabbit at a restaurant?.

I can't understand how someone who loves rabbits would keep a pet that attacks rabbits then kill the rabbit for them. Just my opinion. -Sue

ps-deleted as too contentious
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