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Are my rabbits bored indoors?


Young Bun
Bored Indoors?
Our rabbits are both outdoor rabbits, both spayed. They get 3-4 hours free time in the garden per evening, occasionally we let them play indoors because of the weather. When inside they are free to roam the downstairs of our house. When we first got them we were advised to keep them away from grass until they were a few weeks older so they spent most of their time inside. They were very inquisitive, binkying, 500's, hopping on and off the couch, nowadays they have a little runaround and spend most of their time under our corner tables huddled up and flopped out. They seem to reserve their more outgoing behaviour for the garden.

Anyone else's buns do anything similar? They appear happy enough indoors but not as outgoing as they once were. Can we do anything to help them? Are they bored? They have lots of toys to keep things interesting.

Sorry it's long winded and question heavy but just a little intrigued!
I'm not sure they are bored so much as relaxed. Outdoors is going to have a lot more novel sounds/smells that need attention but could also be potential threats and need investigating. In comparison I imagine your house is fairly consistent and they know they can relax and not worry about keeping an ear out for trouble. A routine of 3/4 hours running about investigating and having fun in the evening (when bunnies are most active) and relaxing the rest of the day sounds fine :)

You could try some different toys/activities for inside though like digging boxes, treat balls, things to shred etc..