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Apricot 5th October 2014

I just saw on another thread that you lost two bunnies :cry: I'm so so sorry xxx sending massive hugs to you.
Binky free Apricot :cry: xxx
I'm so sorry you lost Apricot and Ginger :cry::cry:

Binky free little ones, have fun at the bridge together.
I'm really sorry that you've now lost Apricot. I hope they are playing together at the bridge. xx
I'm so, so sorry. I've only just found this.

Huge hugs to you.

Binky Free Apricot, playing with Ginger again at the Bridge.xxxx
Just catching up after being away for a while, so sorry to hear that you have lost Apricot, I really do feel for you after losing both Malcolm and Lucky within a year I know how hard it can be, we just have to fight through the tears and remember the good times and be thankful for the time we had together, my thoughts are with you at this most difficult time

Binky free Apricot hope you have found Ginger at the bridge sweetie
Thankyou for your support everyone :love: I'm beginning to be able to remember the good times, and although they didn't have the long life I would have hoped for, I know they were always very happy :love: