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Anyone else's rabbit insist on re-arranging there cage after its cleaned out??


Warren Scout
Archie does whatever i do it just not good enough... He has his hide house in the back corner that usually is upside down by morning, he doesnt dare move his food bowl, his hay basket is emptied almost immediately so he can throw hay all over the place, the hay basket they usually ends up in the litter tray, his toy box is always upside down and his toys are always scattered all over the place his litter tray usually moves from from the corner right into the middle of the cage blocking his way luckily he hasnt tipped his litter tray up set haha, anyone else's rabbit have to move its stuff around after its cleaned out, so within 30 minutes of his cage cleaned his cage is quite literally turned upside down :lol:
Patchies and Poppy have to do it, they don't seem to settle down until they have moved stuff. Sam doesn't though, he just sorta chills.
It's taken a long time but I think I've finally worked out how my buns like their shed and I do it their way when I tidy up.

I'm about to add in a shelf and some bits though so they may well be rearranging again soon!
.... Simba insists on spreading all the litter-tray around the hutch like a carpet - its her new trick. Every day I tidy it up and every morning its back as she likes it. Very cute, but soo annoying! :p
yes, charles and cecile spend most of the day rearranging furniture. matthew and tabitha do move things, but not so much.
Daisy always moves the litter trays and her tunnel. I have wathced her do it and it is so funny! She hoofs the litter tray along with her nose (big underbed storage box!) and picks the end of the platic tunnel up in her mouth to move! Cheeky buns! :love:
I don't bother with hay racks, they prefer hay under them to forage about in. Underbed trays help too as you can get lots of hay in them.
OH yes, after a clean-out on the balcony, Sharik always thumps at me at the next half an hour or so is spent carefully re-arranging even strands of hey :)
We call Biscuit our OCD bunny.

If i clean out their pen area, and put things in, he spends the next hour picking things up and throwing them around. He likes things messy :lol:
My little girl burrows underneath her fresh bedding and hides away nomming on her hay. After this she decides to throw all of her toys around her hutch and I then begin to wonder why I bothered tidying up in the first place! She seems pretty persistent in having a messy home. Bless her :)
Oh yes..skittles cage is beautifully tidy then she goes in it and within 30 mims it looks like a bombsite..i swear shes a teenager! She pulls out all the newspaper under the sawdust and throws it round the cage..she pulls half the straw out of her bedroom..i recently spent £14 on a beautiful fleecy handmade Cosie Cup for her to snuggle in during the cold months..she hasnt used it once to snuggle in preferring to chew it and launch it round the cage..it now resembles an old rag!!
When I first brought Twix home and was bonding her with Dudley she has to live in the bathroom. every time I opened the door to let her out, Dudley would go in and start dragging all her stuff out into the flat. He would pull out the litter tray a little then get behind it and pull it! He would hump her bed out and throw her food bowl! I loved putting it all back just to watch him to it again!

This week Dudley helped me wrap Xmas gifts. I put the tape on the jumper I wanted to wrap and he kept picking it up and throwing it so he could burrow on the jumper! X