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Anthony hasn't eaten for over 48 hours/ Eating this morning

Thats great Liz. I found lots of articles on mouth ulcers in dogs and cats, but none on bunnies.
Anthony is still doing well and his ulcers are starting to heal :D

He couldn't wait to jump in his flower pot this morning and start eating soil again though :?

I was wondering if there was anything I could give to give him the minerals he needs rather than letting him eat the soil?
One of those mineral/salt lick things?

I know that there generally frowned upon but may be worth a go?

Glad he's eating again x
I'm really concerned there is something seriously wrong as Lil has attacked him, growling and pulling some fur out :( She has never behaved like that in the 4 years I've had her and she has nursed him really well until now :?
I'm really concerned there is something seriously wrong as Lil has attacked him, growling and pulling some fur out :( She has never behaved like that in the 4 years I've had her and she has nursed him really well until now :?

Oh no that is an ominous sign :cry:
What a roller-coaster :cry:
I've had a bad feeling since I collected him from the vet after his dental :cry: What with that and Elwoods dental tomorrow and now Moses has started rolling on his side I think I need a very long lie down :cry::cry:
Finally managed to get Anthony admitted for tests today.

I rang last night to ask for an appointment but was told the consulting vet was fully booked. So this morning we decided to take Anthony to be admitted for tests instead of taking Elwood for a dental as this was more urgent. Steve went to drop him off and was gone ages, it turned out that Anthony had to see a vet before they could admit him so saw the consulting vet that was fully booked :?

I really hope we get some answers one way or another as this has been going on for a week now :(
They have rung to say the bloods have been sent off to the lab rather than done in house so now we have to wait for them to come back :(:(
How worrying for you :( I do hope you at least get some answers and there is something that can be done to make Anthony more comfortable xxx