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an amazing EC recovery in photos

Awww...that's amazing!!! You've done brilliantly : ) Just shows what love and devotion can do. What a truly lovely story to read this morning! Has given me something to smile about...thank you.

Lots of love and hugs to you and the bunsters x x x
Having lost a bun to EC I know how devastating it can be.

Its really good to know that there can be a happy outcome. :)

Thank you so much for sharing this. :wave:
This made me cry, my little boy bun had a very similar story, took him a week before he could even lift his head. The progress so so slow it was heart breaking. He was 8 when it happened, took several months to make an almost full recover (he was left with a little tilt) and then lasted til he was 11 years old.

Well done for not giving up on her and for giving her all the love and patience she needed. She looks so happy. :love:
Thank you for all the lovely comments. A couple of vets did tell me we should have her put down, so I'm glad we ignored them! I don't think I have ever cried so much as I did those weeks we thought we were losing her, but all worth it now! Even if as I type she is distributing megazorb all over my living room floor :lol:
She looks amazing!
What a heartwarming story. And bless you OH for making a little 'tunnly' to help her. :love: