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Allen & Page - Loss of Condition?

My buns didnt do well on it - Lola had 2 bouts of stasis - they are now on SS and love it and are doing really well.
Hi, my bunny has had GI Statis twice when on Excel, since I changed his pellets to Oxbow Basics T the amount of poo has increased a lot (never known so much come out of one rabbit) :D Both his condition and that of his little girlfriend is amazing, they both have beautiful shiny thinck coats, bright eyes and their energy level has shot through the roof, they just bounce around all day until 3pm as that seems to be their 'nap' time. Mind you, all bunnies are different and what suits one may not suit another, best try different ones (don't forget to make the change slowly) and see how things go. :wave:
Some of mine have lost condition on A&P over the winter months and I suspect it's to do with the protein content personally. This year I am going to order the breeder/grower A&P over the winter and see if it makes any difference to them, otherwise they may have to go onto SS again during the colder weather.
Everyone here is on a 50/50 mix of the natural pellets and the breeder and i have had no problem. I am starting to up on the breeder mix as it gets colder.
I avoided changing mine over in the end due to hearng about buns losing weight etc - TBH Arnie at the time had already lost weight and I wanted him to gain. Eva is skinny still at the mo and need her to gain weight.

I use 6 parts normal SS mixed in with 1 part Mature SS and 1 part readigrass for Arnie and Kira and the above minus the Readigrass for Stevie and Eva (as they dont like readigrass) the bubbies and still on Excel Jnr but will move onto Stevie and Eva's mix once they are older.
Also the expiry date isn't as good as commercial brands.

I wrote to them to ask for a voucher. Got £3 off but didn't use it so sent it to Kris instead :D