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Advise needed - bonded buns chasing


Warren Scout

I recently tried to bond my single female with my bonded pair but at the weekend the two girls had a big of a scuffle in the bath which resulted in lots of fur flying and my mum getting bitten!! The two girls now go for each other through the cage bars if they are free ranging. I have put twix into a different house so she can't be got at.

However, the bonded pair keep having scuffles in their cage. They are normally started by the male. Am I right in thinking that they are sorting out top dog again as they can smell the other rabbit?

Any other ideas on this and help as to how to rectify it would be great.

Thanks xxx
Do the scuffles occur when the single female is near the pair's cage? If so, this is what is known as Referred Aggression. Don't let the single bun go near the pair's cage as it is very distressing for both of then especially the female.
Do the scuffles occur when the single female is near the pair's cage? If so, this is what is known as Referred Aggression. Don't let the single bun go near the pair's cage as it is very distressing for both of then especially the female.

Yeah I think it does. They all live in my room. How come the male is the one starting it? X
Because he is the dominant one. I think it is becaause his fight mode has been triggered so he attacks the rabbit he is with as he cannot get to the other rabbit.