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Advice needed....bond broken down


Alpha Buck
The bond between Paula and Bambam has broken down. Paula has been basically bullying Bambam. It's been getting worse and despite trying different things, was getting to the point of needing to separating them when Bambam made the decision for us. He stopped eating. He didn't need to stay at the vets and we got him eating again fairly quickly but I can't put them back together.

So what do we do now? He can't go back to the rescue, he's part of the family. If we pair him up with a new rabbit that would make 7 which is getting rediculous, and what if that didn't work? We'd be in the same position again. The only other option is trying to bond him with our pair of neutered females, but I am scared that this will disrupt the bond they already have.

And then we have Paula to think of. The last 2 partners she's bullied now and each time it has got worse. I'm scared to try to bond her with ANY other rabbit. Sigh.,

I know I have to make the decision but any comments would be appreciated.
Oh gosh, I don't know what to suggest :( but am bumping this so somebody more experienced may see. ;)

i have no advice i'm afraid as my bond broke down too but i only have 2 buns.

hope someone with more experience comes along soon to offer help. xx
Thanks guys, I double posted on rabbit chat and have had some good advice there. Wish me luck!:wave: