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A new georgeous "middle aged" girlie ..vet visit NEW update post 48

Just back from the vets and this girlie needs your vibes please ..

she has a massive ear infection .. :( :(

this is probably contributing towards her headtilt :(
and she would let you .. i picked her up earlier (shes quite an armfull :shock::shock:) and she just snuggled up . looked quite affronted when i put her down as if to say .."humph is that all :roll:"

was she an indoor bun before, im thinking lap bunny snuggles in front of telly she is sooooooooo adorable :love:
our vet hasnt used that before but has got some in for us to try if baytril doesnt work .. do you mind me asking what dose your vet has prescribed.

AFAIK dosage can be anything between 20-60mg per kg of rabbit...so perhaps aim for something around the middle?

My Dominic is on 1.5mls daily of the 40mg per ml zithromax. He's between 2kgs and 2.5kgs (his weight is a bit up and down).
Just back from the vets and this girlie needs your vibes please ..

she has a massive ear infection .. :( :(

this is probably contributing towards her headtilt :(

:cry::cry::cry: Poor poppet - sending her all the vibes we can.

Will be round with lots of snuggles on Sunday for Flopsy xxx
Hope flopsy picks up soon Angie :wave: why Skye had an ear infection she had Canaural ear drops which were fantastic, it was only a mild infection though so maybe Flopsy needs something stronger but I thought I'd let you know anyway :)