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70 Guinea Pigs. *update 14/01-not good*

The guy will no longer see or speak to Tracy, ignoring her calls and pleas and offers of help. He is now refusing to give up any more so I dont know whats going to happen now?!
I feel so sorry for these pigs.
Thanks again to every single one of you who offered homes and transport, but it looks like I may not be able to get to these pigs to help them at all:(
Its just all so frustrating!

You said in an earlier posting that the council is forcing the old chap to rehome the majority of the animals. If he doesn't let them go voluntarily (and of course he may come round to this again - perhaps he's really struggling to decide which ones to keep) the council will probably call in the RSPCA to take and rehome them. It may be worth Tracey flagging the situation up to the local RSPCA so when/if it they become involved they know of her interest and that plans already exist for the dispersal and rehoming (albeit temporary) of the animals. Alternatively, could she approach Environmental Health herself and explain her interest if she hasn't already done so?

I imagine the guinea pigs have been judged to be a health hazard since they're being kept indoors so the council won't leave it at this.
Tracy is already leaising and working with the council representative, always has been, so will have to just sit tight to see if they will forcably remove them or not at a later stage. Knowing how the council works on things like this though I know it will take them yonks to get off their butts and doe something about it, if at all! I just feel so sorry form the pigs but at least its consolation they are all healthy and well fed.
Right, I'm starting to get these pigs moved one group at a time :D
Elaine has very kindly offered to take the first group of 10 for me, so I need to sort a run from Newcastle to Manchester pleeeeeeaaase!

im here too get them to elaines from bolton as before .

I can take some if it helps too and my offer still stands as being the meeting place, for whenever it happens:D
Tracy is already leaising and working with the council representative, always has been, so will have to just sit tight to see if they will forcably remove them or not at a later stage.

Oh fine. It wasn't clear from the original information how Tracy became involved or who else was.

Depending on what happens and when, I or my partner may well be able to help with transport to Hopper Haven if Louise still has capacity at the appropriate time.
Yep, i still have room. Having a foster bun on sat, but still plenty of room for 1 or 2 piggies! Would be good if they were bonded then definately 2! :D
Me Louise not you Louise;)

I still have plenty of room for guinea pigs and I even have homes waiting for females, so whenever this happens I am likely to be able to take a fair number of them. We always home check so they are guaranteed good homes if they come here.
Fingers crossed for these guineas and I hope that the gentleman comes to realise that they would go to good homes. We are a bit far away to help (In Norfolk) and we are pretty full at the moment. But if we can help in any way let me know :wave:
I hope you find them forever homes, if you get really desperate I may be able to (depends what my mum says lol) take in two sows, I live in Essex though and can't drive. :(

As for grouping them off sows are usually fine together if the intro is done right, males however can be slightly harder to group but if they aren't near females and have a big enough area to keep out of each others face they can be alright. Best bet for re-homing though is to neuter males but of course this can be risky depending on their age and health but it would increase the likely hood they would get homes because people may want to home them with females. Any group of males fighting with each other when there isn't any girls around won't change their behaviour with neutering though like it does with dogs and cats, it would just make them easier to pair off with a group of females which most potenial owners want to do (one male to a group of females).

They can strut around rumbling and challenging each other (males and females) for even a few weeks/month but aslong as it isn't a serious fur ball fight let them get on with it. They must be introduced in a neutral area [a bath is a great place], and not put anywhere where ones smell is stronger than the other so all clean cages aswell. If they are annoying each other but not causing blood etc then don't begin to seperate them because this can do more harm than good, just see how they are after a month or so - when most of them have hopefully got homes anyway!

I will try and find some information on introductions etc for you :D
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I hope you can get them to safety asap!:D Would love to help myself, as I have 20+ years experience with guineas, but I too live in Essex and have no transport!