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2x Brain Damaged Guinea Pigs Need a Home


Warren Scout
Contact/organisation details: Furry Friends Animal Rescue Tel: 020 8407 1080/0797 356 9371 Email: Adrs@aol.com
Location: Old Coulsdon, Surrey
Species:Guinea pigs

Number of animals:2
Sex: males
Age(s): 6 months
Name(s): Dumb and Dumber
Colours: Red (1x smooth coat and 1x rough coat)
Neutered: No
Reason for rehoming: Came in as unwanted pets.
Temperament: Both very cuddly and scared of nothing!
Medical problems: Both of these boys have brain damage. It seems that they were born with it but they are still fine to handle with no aggression. They both run in circles and the rough coat has a head tilt, but they are not suffering in anyway.
Will the group be split:No. They are extremely bonded
Transport available: Yes, within reason
Other: These boys would suit an indoor home more so than an outside hutch. They love their food and are very interactive with people.



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Motley, the guinea pig we lost recently, initially ran in circles and had a head tilt. She stopped going in circles, but had a head tilt for the rest of her life, she also had deformed hips. Were told she wouldn't live very long, but she died at the age of 5, having survived an ovarianhysterectomy the year before. She was also very curious and not nervous like the rest of my guinea pigs, so I hope these boys develop as she did, and lead long and happy lives.
Those names are so insulting, I assume they came in with the names :censored: Good luck little piggies.
Awwww i took on a piggie that was supposed to be brain damaged and had head tilt she just had an inner ear infection
I hope they find a new forever home soon. Their names are awful and out of order(im not suggesting you called them that) I do think they should be changed ASAP. They are gorgeous:love::love::love:
They came in with those names. Conker and Chestnut have been suggested which are lovely. :)

I am treating both boys with antibiotics on advice from the vets in case it is an inner ear infection, but because both have it they are pretty sure that it is brain damage probably due to inter-breeding.

They were originally rescued from a pet shop who had them returned to them really skinny and scrawny. The owner built them up but then didn't want them.

They came in with those names. Conker and Chestnut have been suggested which are lovely. :)

I am treating both boys with antibiotics on advice from the vets in case it is an inner ear infection, but because both have it they are pretty sure that it is brain damage probably due to inter-breeding.

They were originally rescued from a pet shop who had them returned to them really skinny and scrawny. The owner built them up but then didn't want them.


When i got my chuckie i got in touch with the cambridge cavy trust who reccomended using tiacil eye drops in her ears,whitin days she was much better:)http://tiacil-shop.com/
Otodex (available from www.sphsupplies.co.uk ) is great for treating ear problems and would be my first port of call. Antibiotics will not eliminate the fact that this could be parasitic.
Don't mean to sound harsh but I hate to see pigs labelled, they could also both be like it because they have been living in the same accomadation.

Hope all turns out well for them and so glad it wasn't you that named them :)
The boys went on a course of antibiotics and within a couple of days their heads started to right themselves. They are midway through the treatment and their heads are almost completely normal!

It seems that they had a very simple ear infection. If there had been any wax or slight amount of discharge then I would have treated with Canaural, but just a course of Baytril seems to have done the trick. Obviously they hate me for it as it tastes so vile, but in the long run they will be much happier.

If only the previous owners had taken them to the vets, this problem could have sorted out so simply.

Well done Emma and vets, was getting all unnecessarily worried that they were going to be wrongly labelled, I stand well and truly corrected. :oops: Just hate it when everything hasn't been eliminated :)