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The reason not to use wood shavings is because it's very dusty and this can get in their lungs. You could try a different litter material like carefresh, which is expensive or megazorb which is cheap but comes in huge sacks and you have to get it from a horse supply shop. I use megazorb and put lots of hay on top.
Ohh ok, i've heard about megazorb. I know sawdust is the really powdery stuff I didn't realise that wood shavings had dust on it as well. I do clean him out weekly and he has so much hay on there, I'd hate to think I'm not doing the right thing :(
i'd like to know the best thing to line a cage with to. My bunny lives in a C&C cage currently i just use newspaper and hay in one part for her, im a bit wary of using other things as she likes to dig and eat them. Dont want her eating something she shouldnt be.
Sorry:oops: In the cage:) I floored my rabbit's hutch with them and they were easy to use and you could even cut them to size with scissors.

Does the wee leak through the cracks? Is it easy to wipe? Thats a really good idea? I like using the wood shavings as the bun wee soaks up and then he doesn't always tread in it all the time.
Megazorb is great but you do need room to store it. I use wood pellet cat litter from Tesco or Wilkinsons as my storage is limited.
We used a lino offcut, no gaps for the wee to go through. Then megazorb and hay in litter tray and something soft on the lino.

I have photos if you want to see.
What kind of cage have you got. I've just ordered a dog crate for Spenser in case he has to come indoors. I'm hoping he will use his litter bowl for wee as he does in the hutch, and was planning on lining the crate with a fleece blanket. A bit rash, perhaps? :? In the hutch he just has newspaper and hay in his bowl, which I change daily.
I use drawer liner from Ikea, cheap, no gaps and it's sotr of bobbly so his feet don't slip about on it!

Similar material to Lino but without the gaps... It's also great for cleaning out as I just pick up the ends and lift it all out at once at tip straight into a bin liner!

Wooden cat litter in his litter tray though and plenty of hay! - Hope that helps :)
Agreed with the above, or get carpet samples to floor the cage. But definately a litter box would be good, makes it easier to clean out, less messy and keeps his bum clean :) I clean out my buns litter trays every 2 days and then just empty his hay box, hoover his carpet and wipe down surfaces once a week.

ETA: and I think woodshavings can react with wee or something which can be bad? or I heard something like that. Plus theyre really smelly for a litter area.
Ive got mine lined with a vet bed style rubber backed fleece. Its great, you can hoover it, wash it, beat it, its soft and doesnt make a mess :love::love: The buns love to flop and binky on it too!! :lol: Make sure you cut the piece to the right size, mine is a snug fit to deter them from digging it up or chewing it.

Winter likes to groom it though :shock:
Oh yes, and they have a litter box, which is always full of wood cat pellet litter and topped with hay :wave:

They also have a mini fleece they like to throw around!
bisc and matt have fleece blankets in part of the cage and lino in the other part. then megazorb and hay in their trays. :)
I have multiple bath mats. 4 cover the cage nicely as it is 6ft long. When I got the mats, I laid them down on the ground with the rubber side up. I attached adjacent mats together using duck tape to form one long strip of bath mat! Once laid down in the cage fluffy side up, it fits snuggly and as it is heavy they struggle to dig it up.
TeflonsShadow - where did you buy this rubberbacked fleece thing? Sounds great! I must admit I use woodshavings for Poppet's outdooe hutch and Cookie's indoor cage - on the advice of the petshop I got them from. Getting a bit stressed reading the advice on here tho ~ clearly I'm using the wong thing!

For Poppet's hutch, I line her 'bedroom' with newspaper, woodshavings, lots of straw and then hay on top. Good or not? Her 'living area' has wood shavings and hay. She dislikes her litterbox (throws it around), prefering to wait and use outside litterboxes when she is let out (or, preferably, Cookie's cage if she manages to get in there!).

Cookie lives indoors, so has wood shavings and then also hay in her snuggle box. She also prefers to use litterbox in the room, rather than in her hutch. Is this common??

If I buy some of that rubberbacked stuff for Poppet, should she still have straw on top? Or is the rubberbacked stuff better for indoor use? And for Cookie, no wood shavings, rubberbackd stuff and hay..?

So confused..! :? I want my buns to have the best..