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Search results

  1. T

    Update on my 2 little ones...

    You may recall that I once said (fool as I am!) that Clover (the white one in my pic.) would be "trouble" as Sage follows her everywhere and is as nervy as can be... I TAKE IT BACK!!! THAT little madam has "come out of her shell" and is the very first to come running if I enter the room, the...
  2. T

    Rabbit games that cost nought...

    Further to my "cherry tomato in variety cereal box" that went down a storm with my 2 young buns thought it would be nice to start a thread on "things to do that amuse your buns that can be done without running to the shops" kinda thing... Since my "cherry tomato game" I can add 2 more: 1) Get...
  3. T

    Those gnaw blocks...

    What the heck are they made out of??? My OH purchased a willow ball and one of these blocks as a "surprise" for our buns today...gnawing block hasn't half made a mess on my floor and surely such fine dust isn't good for their respiratory system??? Are these the same "gnaw blocks" you all talk...
  4. T

    Conflicting advice on broccoli

    :wave: Can somebody clear this up for me and "put me straight" on the matter of broccoli please? On the thread in FAQ it is deemed by RU members as "safe for rabbits", however, elsewhere on the web it is recommended that bun doesn't have this. I assumed it was therefore (happy medium and all!)...
  5. T

    I have "problem solving" bunnies!!!

    I found a baby cherry tomato in the fridge and (after checking they were okay for rabbits) was about to give it to my 2 little buns when I noticed an empty "variety cereal" box on the side... In the name of "amusing my rabbits" (and secretly because I wanted to know what they'd do!:oops:) I...
  6. T

    My dig box...

    My dig box currently has hay in it (after the demise of the cardboard castle (they chewed great holes in it although they could get in/out through a tunnel of boxes!:lol:) I have now fashioned another dig box out of a large "under the bed" tray thing which they hop in and out of)... They appear...
  7. T

    A question on poo...

    :wave: You may recall that I own 2 little buns that live "free" in my kitchen. They have been very good and have been using the litter tray throughout the day (no wee on floor and only a few little poos around tray to sweep up to date.) Any-ho! During the night they appear to like "hopping...
  8. T

    A quick question (or two) on feed please

    I am currently feeding my 2 buns hay, a variety of fresh veg (which I have introduced gradually over the past week as wasn't too sure what they'd tried already/hadn't) and the same mix the lady I got them from was feeding them and Mum (it's a brand from P@H with "large peas" in it) as I didn't...
  9. T

    We've had "bun fun" tonight!!!

    :wave: Some of you may recall that I have 2 baby buns that I am (attempting!) to make free-run house buns long-term. Any-ho! There was I doing the "softly-softly" approach and extending supervised "run area" bit by bit (as not yet properly "litter trained") when (not at all excited by new...
  10. T

    Hmmm...a lop or half of one???

    :wave: Now I am no rabbit breeder and as such know nothing about breeds but I STRONGLY suspect that "Daddy bunny" to my baby buns (who I have never seen - lady fostered him out on discovering her "two girls" were not as they seemed as she didn't want to add more babies to her "already too many"...
  11. T

    Digging box

    Hi!:wave: You may recall that I am a new owner of 2 indoor buns and that my OH made them a "cardboard castle digging box" before their arrival? Weeeell, I have just done a wicked thing in that I took a scissors to one of the castle walls so that I could slide it through the hutch door and...
  12. T

    The LAST rabbit in England...

    This is a poem I read in school (a LONG time ago!!!) It never left my mind as it stand as a sad warning regarding the way we treat the earth/nature...:( To See the Rabbit ( after Prévert ) Alan Brownjohn We are going to see the rabbit. We are going to see the rabbit. Which rabbit, people say...
  13. T

    I'm a "Bun Mum" at last!!

    Hi all!!:wave: I was meant to pick up my 2 buns this morning but I asked the lady if I could get them yesterday lunchtime as I had the car (didn't want to wait all day today for OH to come back from work as I'm an excited child!!:lol:) SOOO much to tell you: I *think* that they are 2 girls -...
  14. T

    They can leave Mum Monday!!!

    :wave: I have just returned from Paris (2:30am arrival home - darn the M4 section closure!!) and called the lady that I am having my 2 buns from this morning to check that they were well and to see what day next week I'd be allowed to bring them to their "forever home"...MONDAY!!:D I can drop...
  15. T

    I have changed my mind...

    I have read many threads on this forum and have also searched the web prior to getting my buns...much thought later and I have concluded that outside buns aren't for me. This is no "diss" in the world to those of you who DO keep your buns outside, just not thinking it's right for me.;) I have...
  16. T

    Nappy - is it a joke?

    :wave: I intend seperating my 2 rabbits at 10-12 weeks if male/female (and also if they are same sex and start fighting) and then keeping them appart until male no longer fertile...HOWEVER, while doing a bit of "online" research I read advice that stated male/famale should not be seperated all...
  17. T


    AKA TP/Emma;) To say really...I'm really not that interesting!!:lol: Am 32 with 3 BRILLIANT girls to my name - my greatest pride ever!!!:D Had a bun a LOOOOOONG time ago called Parsley...cried into his fur when he died at 7 and vowed never to get another as none could EVER take his place...
  18. T

    After care for Mummy rabbit

    Hello:wave: Some of you may recall from my other thread that I am due to home 2 rabbits in a few weeks. I went to see said buns last night (they are beautiful - though my BEW is more a BEW with grey nose!:lol:) and all babies and Mum seem very "spritely" and in good health (Dad is currently...
  19. T

    I found a vet! :-D

    I posted on another thread that I am due to have 2 rabbits in a few weeks and my intention to take them to "my vet" (as in the local vet) in order to seek advice on vaccs/spaying/neutering/sex of buns etc. etc. when they arrive...ANYWAY, I decided against this plan on reading the replys I...
  20. T

    A quick question on cat smell and rabbits

    Hi all!:wave: As I said in a previous post I have bought a cage for my rabbits and (though new) thought I'd give it a wash-out "just in case". I left my cage in the garden with (daft as I am!) the doors open as I thought I would give it a good "air" before the arrival of rabbits in a few weeks...