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Search results

  1. L

    Pain relief advice please

    Rubens is 8 and for the last year has lost lots of weight, we took him to the vets and they said they couldn't diagnose him without blood tests which are distressing for bun and even if they could work out what it was they might not be able to treat it. We've been feeding him porridge on top of...
  2. L

    Bonding - South Yorkshire can anyone help?

    Hi all, Since the last time i signed on here we have acquired a third rabbit and would love to make our current duo (male and female) a trio (male and 2 females), i'm really nervous about doing this myself and we don't really have any neutral territory in our house as the buns have been all...
  3. L

    Mite treatment?

    Does anyone know what the paste stuff is called that you get from the vets for the treatment of mite infections? Dilbert looks to have them again, need to find a new hay supplier i think...
  4. L

    Any thoughts on Dilberts bald nose please

    Dilbert had a line on his nose for a while and we assumed it was the way his fur was sat now today he has a bald patch.
  5. L

    Quick question....

    does anyone elses bunny poo on them? Roo usually comes and sits on my chest for a bit at night and he has only just started pooing on me when he comes up. We've had him 5 years and this is has only just started. Lee reckons he is leaving me a present but on this occasion it is a present i...
  6. L

    Help please - what to put on a cut?

    Rubens and Dilbert had a bit of a scrap this morning and when i've checked over Dilbert it looks like Rubens has managed to break the skin on the back of his neck, it's not bleeding at the moment but is there anything i can put on it to keep ot clean as i don't want it to get infected. They...
  7. L

    I love it when a plan comes together...

    Rubens doing his best Hannibal impression (it is an excel treat thing and not a cigar btw!)
  8. L

    You've got mail!

    Hello mum, you don't mind if i check my emails from all my friends on RU while you make your breakfast do you? Honest mum it was just my emails, i not a naughty bunny!
  9. L

    Snow pics, show us yours!

    Sorry if this has already been done but i couldn't see any, here are the pics from my garden. Lets see yours RU!
  10. L

    Indoor winter bunnies

    Moved the buns into the living room tonight for the winter, they've been in 2 hours and i'm loving having them binkying round the place :love:
  11. L

    RSPCA rabbit campaign

    Just thought i'd share this :wave: http://survey.rspca.org.uk/servlet/survey?surveyId=MjEyNjUS1
  12. L

    Rubens just loves his hay

    Got another new batch from the local farm and Rubens wasn't long in tucking in...