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Search results

  1. B

    Oh boy oh boy!

    I'm showing my bunnies in a 4-H show soon and I'm so excited because I haven't shown Jasmine yet, and Rembrandt was SO CLOSE to getting BIS last year (He was one of the three last ones on the table). Jasmine got reservation BIS last year with her other owner, so I have big hopes for her. And...
  2. B

    Bunny Pix!!!

    I finally figured out how to post pictures. (I'm planning on getting a rabbit that looks like this one) (Jasmine)
  3. B


    my poor Holland Lop has malocclusion! It's so sad, is there anything that might make it a bit better? Because her teeth are growing REALLY fast.
  4. B

    Hi everybody!!!

    Hi, I'm bunny_love...I have three rabbits: a Tan (Rembrandt) and two Holland Lops (Ginger and Jasmine). I'd put pictures on but I don't get how...:oops: I'm going to get a dwarf hotot soon... BUNNIES RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually, Rembrandt is sitting on my lap right now...
  5. B

    My babies

    I love my babies! I have a tan and two holland lops. I'm going to be getting a dwarf hotot in the near future. I'm so excited!!!!! :D