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  1. B

    kitty Cuddles

    oh my word!!! How BIG is Casper now???!!!:lol::lol: Haven't been on for a while so it was a quite shock to see just how much he has grown!
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    I think Amber`s been accepted..........

    Gorgeous piccies! I always think you're so lucky that all your moggies seem to get along so well when there is so many of them!
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    Just thought this was so cute !!

    They are absolutely gorgeous!!! Bless!:love: :love:
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    Companion Bun or More Money?!

    I would weight up the financial situation carefull before you make a decision. I think that insurance is a good idea for 2 buns (i personally could not have savings without being tempted to sped after a certain amount of time) and also if one or both need a big operation before you've saved...
  5. B

    Now its getting colder

    Rabbits are a lot hardier than you think! My 2 lionheads have an insulated hutch with snuggle safes and loads of bedding, and prefer to sit out in the run:roll: :lol:
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    Photo's from my weekend away

    Aww Becki, you are sooo pretty! Gorgeous pets too!
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    do you have this...?

    oooh, I have these :D They are great!I am on my second set as bunnies eventually nibbled the first lot, but they laster over a year, (and they are safe to be nibbled) The buns use them to jump on to get on top of their run shelter and to greet me for breakfast - well worth the pennies!:thumb...
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    Bobbie- 25th September- U/D 1520hrs

    oh Jane...I am praying she will be o.k. You made the right decision, out of love for her. No-one knows what will happen in life, and this is very unfortunate, but it's not your fault...i am sure deep down you know that. sending all the vibes i can muster for your brave girl x Amanda x
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    Eating & Pooping vibes for Dooley please..25/9: 4.45pm UPDATE!

    Loadsa vibes heading Dooley's way!! xxx
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    pet or nick names you call your bun

    Real Name: Abby Nicknames: Abbs, baby girl, fat bum, trouble Real Name: Bob Nicknames: Bobby, Bobster, Baby boy, muffin
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    Almost a Year- Remembering Lord Lopsley

    Aww, Jane, he truly was a very special bun. It doesn't seem like a whole year has passed since he travelled to Rainbow Bridge... Thinking of you at this sad time x Amanda x
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    My lot past and present for Carys and anyone else

    Wow...that's a lot of buns! All beautiful, and all obviously well cared for, past and present, what lucky bunsters! Amanda x
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    Vets4Pets £10 vaccinations

    crikey, i think Bob was about £40 to be neutered and Abby was £52 to be spayed... it goes on body weight at my vets thugh, and both of mine are quite teeny.
  14. B

    ok guys this is the rabbit

    I would say 8 weeks is the minimum you can take her from her babies. Amanda x
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    Black Jack

    I am so sorry to hear your sad news...sometimes people just do not know what to say, so they don't say anything. It doesn't mean they don't feel for you. Sending massive hugs xxx Amanda x
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    Cat Lover's Thread Only!

    Awww....they are all sooooo gorgeous!:love: :love: :love:
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    Dog attack on rabbit *UPSETTING*

    typical bloody thanet :censored: holes! i wish i could set a dog on them:evil:
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    Urgent help - poorly bunny -* Updated!!*

    Sending vibes for a positive outcome... I know how scary it is waiting for improvement :?
  19. B

    Something I noticed when Bob was Poorly...

    Makes it all worth while doesn't it? I was so worried yesterday, and it was a lovely moment amongst all the anguish... Obviously seeing him safe and sound and back with Abby is even beter though:D