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Search results

  1. C

    My Little May (Tilly-May)

    Awww =) I love Tilly Mae and always love to see her pictures... you're one lucky owner !
  2. C


    awww!!! I love dark colored bunnies!
  3. C


    adorable :D
  4. C

    how much do you feed you buns

    I have 2 buns so I feed them 1/2 a cup of pellets for the day, unlimited hay (all throughout the day), and I feed them vegetables in the morning and either veggies or fruit at night. The size for this is generally 6-8 baby carrots, 1/4 a cucumber, or half a banana.
  5. C

    My babies :) - 1 month update (see page 3)

    How sweet!!! :love: I wuv your bunnies!
  6. C

    Trix photos

    Thanks sgprescue! Now my pics are a "normal size". :)
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    Trix photos

    sorry about the huge size... I don't know how to resize :oops:
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    Trix photos

    I finally figured out how to work our digital camera & I took some photos that I took of my Trix. Enjoy! Sorry about my leg in the picture :oops: ... I thought it was a cute pic of Trixie anyway! Tired Trix Sunny bun
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    Few Badger Pics

    Aww... I wish I had room for another bun!
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    Lucy and Puppy pictures!

    Aww.... I love them! You're lighter bun looks alot like one of my buns Skittles!
  11. C

    Getting bunnies back into cage with threatening them.

    Thank you all for your advice... I tried putting food into the cage. At first they seemed to not care about the food and still want to hop around. I let them hop for a while longer, but when I had to leave (I don't let them out of their cage when I'm not around), I picked up Skittles (my...
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    Getting bunnies back into cage with threatening them.

    Hello, I have 2 rabbits, Skittles and Trix. I like to let them hop around and play, but after playtime it is extremely hard to get Trix back into her cage. I really don't want to scare her and it really frightens her (understandably) when I chase her and grab her to put her in her cage (Skittles...
  13. C

    Do I look cute enough mum?

    Aww!! How adorable... I wuv lionhead =)
  14. C

    The Easter bunny came...!!!

    Aww... how adorable!
  15. C

    Help: to spay or not to spay?

    In a few days, I'm getting two 6 month old female bunnies.The woman who I am adopting them from said that rabbits do not need to be spayed as it is costly and invasive. I have heard, though, that it is dangerous to not spay your bunnies. I need more information on this, because I want to make...
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    I like the name Honey, but our guinea pig stole that choice! All of your names are cute... I definately am looking for something uncommon. Vienna is cute... still thinking though. I will let you know when I come up with something definate!
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    Here are pictures of the lionhead kits that I am probably getting: I'm thinking of naming the sable point one Sierra, but I have no idea of what to name the orange one. They are both girls by the way... Please help with name suggestions!
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    Might be getting a pair!

    Thank you =) 2 more questions if you don't mind... Do you buy 2 separate litter boxes for two bunnies living together? Also, what kind of litter do you use and how do you clean the litter box. (Yes I'm VERY new at this as you can probably tell... I've had dogs, guinea pigs, frogs, fish, and...
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    just turned to be rehomed - update meet Briony!!!

    Aww... adorable! I like the name March for her. I'm pretty bad at the name thing too... I can't really think of anything! :oops:
  20. C

    Might be getting a pair!

    Well, I'm pretty new here, and new to rabbits. I posted a few posts, and in one of them someone suggested that I should get 2 rabbits instead of one. I really like this idea, and my mom isn't opposed to it as long as I do all the work (thats how she is with all of my pets). I probably will get...