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Search results

  1. B

    Horrible Video

    There's a few nasty videos on YouTube of people feeding their snakes rabbits. Nice buns too, Dutch rabbits and the like. I didn't watch, I couldn't, but you can still see a preview of the video on the page where you search videos. It made me cry a lot, my boyfriend must have thought I had lost...
  2. B

    My bunns

    Jacob is the gray, Sebastian is the Siamese coloured one. Nugget Corona We didn't do it! Stewart [/img]
  3. B

    New House Rabbit Behaviour Issues

    I recently got a new rabbit, rescued her from some folks who didn't want her anymore. Grandkids lost interest, you know the story. Anyway, the previous owner used to smack her when she got a little owly, which she does because she doesn't much like hands in her cage. I know hitting a rabbit is...
  4. B


    Hey everyone, I haven't posted here in a long time (been busy with a new boyfriend and moving and working and the like, also my time is now divided between not just three buns...but SIX!!) So tonight I got two more bunnies, a beautiful pair from a farm who was giving them away free. I went in...
  5. B

    New photos!

    Finally, with my camera being broken for some time, I was able to get a hold of another for a while and take some new pics of the buns! They were all out today on the grass and quite enjoyed themselves! Here's Belle doin' her thang: Sleeping in a pothole in the ground: Sleeping in a pothole...
  6. B

    Hutch Building

    I'm moving back into my parent's house (sadly -_-)..but beside the point..I want to build a hutch for my three rabbits. Are there any specific things I need to know or any certain things I should build?
  7. B

    Cage Cleaning!

    Today all three got a thorough cage cleaning. I had to let Nugget out on a chair where she got to eat a Froot Loop (she loves them, I give her one whenever she's being really good). I have this purple plastic castle she sleeps in but it's a bit too small, so when I put her back she went in it...
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    'Nother question ^_^

    I keep all three of my rabbits outdoors on a porch. Summer's coming to an end, and I'm planning on keeping them out all fall. I would like some advice on wintertime though. They only have a cage with blankets over it, not a hutch. Should I leave them outside? I'm afraid they might not survive...
  9. B


    I have three females, all unspayed for the moment, and none of them get along with each other. My black Lop (Corona) bites and leaves nasty wounds on the other two, so she has to be separated. When together running around, they all get along okay, except for Corona and my fawn part Rex...
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    One of my rabbits is reaching two years of age (Belle, my white part-Netherland) and needs to be spayed to avoid cancer. I would like some reccomendations on what to ask a vet. I'm not going to take her to just any vet as I understand this could be fatal. Any suggestions on care before and...
  11. B

    New here!

    Hello, my name is Broken and I just found this forum by searching on Google for how to sex a rabbit. I wasn't sure if my brown rabbit was a boy or not after having her for over three months ^_^. Anyway, I live in BC, Canada with my boyfriend in a small apartment. Along with us we house a...