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Search results

  1. H

    Two young Female rabbits - pairing advice

    They are both approx 9-10 weeks old. At what age would you recommend spaying them? And what age do they turn teenagers? Would u recommend i keep them apart just sniffing eachother thru the cage until they are both spayed? Also should i be turning them cage about to get them used to eachothers...
  2. H

    Two young Female rabbits - pairing advice

    I have 2 young female rabbits. both around the age of 9 weeks old. I have had one for 2 weeks and the other was only got today. Im going to attemt pairing them. I have the one Ive had for 2 weeks in his hutch and the new one in teh main run for now (they have been like that for about 1 hour) |I...
  3. H

    Companion for my young rabbit

    I have a 8 -9 week old bunny, Im not sure of the sex. I heard its good for youre bunny to have a companion. I work full time and i i think it would be great companyfor my little furry friend. ther are a few more rabbits goin from teh same litter and the one i have.. would one of these bunnies be...
  4. H

    mistake.. ignore this

    sorry i added this message in the wrong field.. oops me :) Ive sinc moved it.