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Search results

  1. drewdles

    Pro-biotics when on antibiotics?

    My bunny has had snuffles and is on 7 days of antibiotics. The only way I can get him to take the Baytril is on a bit of banana, but I know he shouldn’t have too much fruit. So because of the sugar in the fruit, and the antibiotics I was wondering whether he should have probiotics? It seems like...
  2. drewdles

    Bonding services in the North East?

    Thank you. I asked advice from the RSPCA branch where we rehomed our first bun from. We’re going to give it another shot based on their advice after a short break. Really hoping it works out this time 🙂
  3. drewdles

    Bonding services in the North East?

    Hello, I’m new to the forum and am looking for some advice on bonding my two bunnies. I rehomed Drew (neutered male) from the RSPCA in October. He’s a free-roam house bunny. I then got Blue (neutered female) two weeks ago. I set a pen up for Blue in Drew’s free-roam area and let them get sight...